We all are getting older each day we roam this earth. Some of us faster than others. Some of us encounter, health issues beyond our control and some of us will face tragedies that will tax our emotional well-being. However, if we can avoid those misfortunes, many of us can find ways to age gracefully, healthfully and energetically. For those of you that have faced misfortune, we prayerfully stand next to you. Please take this post in jest.
I was always a naturally thin person that could eat a double scoop of ice cream cone at 1 AM without a second thought. My mother is 62 and looks 40. At the exact age of 41, said ice cream cone went straight to my ass and under my chin. I didn’t bounce back from a night of balls-to-the-wall drinking at age 35. And most recently, eating sushi puts bags under my eyes. Riding the motorcycle makes my joints ache.
I’m a “Sha Na Na Na Na Live for Today” person. I drink, I smoke, I adore food. Genetically I’m blessed with youthful looks and nice teeth. But G-dammit, I was starting to look a little haggish. So I incorporated a few simple tasks into my daily routine in order to age gracefully.
Water, Water, and then More Water
If you can’t stand water, add Mio Liquid to it. It’s a zero calorie, no fat, no carb and zero sugar liquid that you can add of few drops to your water too. A lot of the grocery stores have their own less expensive brands as well. I drink water before I go to bed, during the night and when I wake. I notice my sweat doesn’t stink (Ima peri-menopausal chick, I get hot flashes, my sweat was stanky), my skin is nice; my puffiness is reduced and acid reflux non-existent.
On a very superficial note… Use whitening toothpaste
Yellow teeth. Yuck. Colgate’s Optic White is really effective. And floss for FFS. It takes 5 seconds. If you aren’t a regular flosser, do it once and smell your dental floss after you do it. Heh.
Take your Vitamins
My vitamin D count was horrifically low. Osteoporosis runs in my family, low vitamin D is a contributor to this. I started taking a prescribed dosage and I feel good. Not sure why, but I do. Additionally, take your vitamins in food form when you can. It’s better absorbed by the body. Get to know your juices. Especially the liver cleanses. There is one that consists of carrots, kale and daikon radish that I drink. I consume a lot of alcohol and my most recent liver panels were excellent.
Believe in the Lotion
Shea butter is my lovely friend. I just feel like it’s a hug on my skin. Moisture is your friend. I’m kind of a cheap ass, but I do tend to spend a little more on my lotions. For women, make sure you don’t skimp on your décolletage. You’ve seen wrinkly chests, right?
Part 2 to Moisturizing – Hey! Stay away from the Sun. I mean it.
Tanning is so 1990. There are many really great, self-tanning products out there if you like a glow. It’s just not worth it to look like a piece of beef jerky when your 40-50 years old. I like Jergens. It’s cheap too. Seriously. Oh and don’t forget your lips! Lip balm with SPF is necessary! I’m sure our dear Tunamelt can give us some good recommendations.
Go to your freaking PCP and take the preventative route!!!! (Sorry for extra the emphasis)
This is so important. Most diseases can be cured or controlled if caught early enough. If you don’t have health insurance, then please go to your nearest clinic/ Planned Parenthood and get your blood drawn, pap smears, blood pressure checked, etc. If you are over 50 or have a history of colon cancer, get your colonoscopy. If you have a history or are over 40 get your mammogram. I know Maryland has various funds that will pay for preventive checkups. Contact your state or county health departments for more information. Thanks Obama.
And last but I suppose not Least…Exercise (as far as the hard stuff)
Bergh. I hate to exercise, so I have to think of things that will psyche me out of thinking it’s exercise. My girl dog is really fat, so I take her for really long walks. I’m beginning to really enjoy yoga. Cable TV has some pretty cool exercise programs. But the one thing that I learned from a holistic minded doctor was to stretch every morning. Stretching is apparently the best thing you can do for your body. So this is what I do faithfully.
And for your ever so important young mind…
Be a dog
Love without judgment, keep resentments low and jealousy to a minimum. Have balance in your life and don’t over –think. Like a dog never be a victim and never regret. Don’t every be afraid to laugh at yourself. Dogs feel bad when they are mean. Oh and by the way, hump stuff. It feels good. Be a dog.
Be a cat
When they need their space they aren’t afraid to demand for it. When they need affection, they aren’t afraid to demand for it. If they could thumb through a good book, they would. They hate baths; sometimes you don’t want a bath. But there is one thing for sure, a cat will always know what it wants. Be a cat.
I hope that this doesn’t sound too much like a Hallmark greeting card or Oprah show. Looking forward to hearing your tips on aging with grace. Peace.