Health and Fitness

52 posts

Super Squats Challenge

When I started this year’s challenge, life was cruising along just fine. I had it set that I would do a Super Squats post every Wednesday to guide other eager participants through the first six months of the year with a series of core exercises evolving from the plank position. Then life happened. I suffered a terrible and sudden death in my family that threw everything into chaos where it largely remains three weeks later. I have difficulty expressing myself with more frequency and my inability to find laughter in normally humorous things is troubling (though some would argue that I have always struggled with humor). The odd thing is that when trapped in the sad house, surrounded by the stunned and grieving family and friends, my sister and I were able to do one thing to help keep our sanity – we did plank. Continue reading

Crassercise: Five Songs For The Gym

Hey kids. Celebrate good times ’cause it has been the longest-ass short week everrrr. I know you are all asking yourself, why the FUCK do I have to get up this morning it’s Sa……..NO ….*big sulk*. Get your lazy ass up and get out there and go do some 30-minute miles (or whatever they say). Here is some inspiration for you to get out there. NOW GO!!!

AND WHEN YOU COME BACK POST SOME OF YOUR OWN DAMN SONGS. *Pleeeeeease* pretty pink wink!!! Do I need to offer um, favors? Here is what is moving me this week: Continue reading

Crassercise: Five Songs For The Gym

In light of the pending doom of the Midwest and East Coast today, I thought I’d take the opportunity to post some more meditative songs. Stuff you can just zone out to or do yoga or whatever. Also, very nice for drinking wine and watching the snowflakes go by. Enjoy! Also, as always, please post your suggestions. You guys have been posting some awesome stuff and my gym list has been growing exponentially (which was my goal). Thank you very very much! Continue reading

Crassercise: 5 Songs for the Gym

¡Buenas días, chicos! Here are another five videos for your booty-shaking workouts. This week we’re going to float you some songs for your zumba routine, perfect for toning up and brushing up on your Spanish. Because we’re all about multi-tasking at Crassercise. So let’s get to it while YouTube hasn’t monetized this column out of existence. Also, as always please post your own favorite gym songs. People want your recommendations! ¡Muévanse! Continue reading

Where Are They Now: Let’s Get Physical!


We’re a month into the New Year, and most of us made a resolution to get back into shape this year. Maybe we can take a look at some icons of the video fitness industry and get some inspiration. Get your leotard and legwarmers out, put on some shitty dance music, and let’s grapevine our way into Where Are They Now: Let’s Get Physical edition. Continue reading

Crassercise: 5 Songs for the Gym

Mornin’, kids. We’re back with another installment of songs to shake yo’ booty to. This time we’re going to be a little beat-focused for those of you who want to do some dancing around while you’re cleaning your house or want to add some extra pizzazz to your walking routine so pick some ya like and head on out! As always, my taste isn’t your taste so add your own in the comments! Continue reading