Daily Archives: September 25, 2012

5 posts

Newt Gingrich Campaigns with Lizard-Man GOP Candidate Todd Akin

Vile space gangster Newton Leroy Gingrich hosted a campaign event on his luxurious orbiting pleasure barge, Infidelicus, for reptilian GOP Senate candidate Todd Akin. Akin, a widely despised man-lizard, has been something of a laughingstock since he revealed in an interview his total lack of knowledge about how human babies are made. Continue reading

How To Make Your Online Map Directions Much, Much Cooler

Google Maps Directions in 3D

Some company that makes fancy fashion symbol cellular telephones made news this week for finally releasing its own mapping software, only 16 years after Mapquest first came out. People get excited about anything Apple does, but black-turtleneck brigade has nothing on Google’s Directions in 3D feature.

I know that sounds boring, but the name “Directions in 3D” doesn’t do it justice. Have you ever viewed the Tour de France and watched in awe as they show you those epic, swooping helicopter shots of the race course? It’s like that.

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