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Daily Archives: June 14, 2012
Reality television has exposed many parts of the world that were previously hidden or unknown to society at large. “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding” revealed the lifestyle of the English and Irish gypsy culture. The show ostensibly focused on the outrageous fashions that gypsies often chose for their weddings. The series also showed many realities and misconceptions about gypsy. It also exposed the prejudices that gypsies face in everyday life. I was unaware that they faced such deep, ingrained prejudice on a day to day basis. Continue reading
It’s the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine. Continue reading
Happy Birthday Ms. Magazine! It seems like only yesterday when you were born. It must be annoying to hear that over and over again. 40, wow! You look great! Really you do. Don’t give me that look, it’s okay to care about your looks if you’re a feminist, don’t try that on me. You look great, really. You know a lot of other magazines have very bloated advertising, and a rather eerie glossy finish. But not you. Yes you’ve freshened yourself up over the years, but that’s what keeps you modern and relevant.
Do you remember the first time you came to my house? Me neither. But I remember you being there in those early years. My housewife mother must have heard about you at her consciousness-raising group and invited you home. I’m guessing you got passed around a bit. Household expenditures were tightly monitored (it was the 70s after all, things were tough all over.) Continue reading
Whether in the wee hours of the morning or the late nights of Adult Swim, 2D beauties have graced our TVs for as long as we can remember. But we don’t have to be shallow just because they lack a dimension. These toons’ brains, hearts, and occasional super powers give them depth beyond the flat screen.
Six sexy sketches after the jump.
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Talk. Continue reading