MTV is premiering a new show in January called Buckwild about West Virginia teenagers. These teens, of course, will not be studious or straight-laced. They will be shooting squirrels and going mudding. This is always what happens when someone films in West Virginia. The film turns into The Wild Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. They never show a doctor, a teacher, a lawyer or even a competent store clerk. I thought I would show you a few things about WV that you aren’t likely to hear elsewhere. Continue reading
west virginia
2 posts
Reality television has exposed many parts of the world that were previously hidden or unknown to society at large. “My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding” revealed the lifestyle of the English and Irish gypsy culture. The show ostensibly focused on the outrageous fashions that gypsies often chose for their weddings. The series also showed many realities and misconceptions about gypsy. It also exposed the prejudices that gypsies face in everyday life. I was unaware that they faced such deep, ingrained prejudice on a day to day basis. Continue reading