Daily Archives: September 27, 2011

10 posts

Open Caption: A Very She & Him Christmas

Pitchfork revealed the cover art for A Very She & Him Christmas yesterday. The image–shot by Autumn de Wilde–seems to be crying out for a caption. Pitchfork writer Amy Phillips asks, “Caption contest, anyone?” Amy, don’t mind if we do! A Very She & Him Christmas is out October 24th on Merge. So, Crassholes, take a look at the image after the jump and hit us with your best captions.

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Ray Kelly Will Shoot You Down

Air passengers flying into LaGuardia or JFK, take note: New York City police commissioner Ray Kelly told 60 Minutes anchor Scott Pelley on Sunday that the New York City police department has both equipment and trained personnel to shoot down a plane over New York in case of another terrorist plane threat.

“In an extreme situation, we would have some means to take down a plane,” Kelly said on Sunday night’s broadcast.

After the show aired, sources told the New York Post that the weapon is a Barret .50 caliber rifle, which can be mounted on almost any police chopper. The weapon, according to the Post sources, is stored in an NYPD safe and is deployed only for “special occasions,” such as when the president is in town.


HIV/AIDS Researchers Make a Potential Breakthrough

Identifying the pathology and weaknesses of the HIV virus is problematic because of its ability to mutate and, in simplistic terms, hide in plain sight in the human body. Most research for a potential HIV vaccine has focused largely on boosting the ability of CD4+T, (T-cells), to fight the virus when introduced into the system. The occasional successes cannot be duplicated, making research of this virus a moving target that has been confounding some of the world’s best virologists for thirty years. Continue reading

QOTD: Was There a Book, Play or Movie Made Your Blood Run Cold?

Once upon a time, long, long ago, young Delta Sierra attended university*. One noon-time, she took her sad little home-made sandwich (she was poor) to eat in the campus theatre, which was holding a very good programme of short lunch-time plays. Today’s play, quite by happenstance, was a dramatization of Shirley Jackson’s powerful and influential short story, The Lottery. It is a masterpiece of ever-mounting suspense, tension and ohmygodno.

History does not record whether or not DS went to her afternoon classes, or indeed what those classes were. But that moment of ohmygodno has stayed with her all her life.

She sincerely hopes you have had similar seminal moments.

* She graduated with a half-assed BA and a very nice MRS. Comment.

‘This Tool is Literally a Homewrecker’

The other day I was perusing the aisles of my local Home Depot and when I glanced over at one of the shelves, I was suddenly hearing the power chords of Black Sabbath’s Crazy Train inside my head.

I reached tool nirvana on Saturday afternoon, my friends, when I spotted what has to be the greatest piece of hardware ever made: the gloriously named FatMax Xtreme Fubar.

First of all, the FatMax Xtreme Fubar is 100% forged fucking steel. It weighs like 15 pounds. It has a THICK coated rubber handle for grip and it is painted in fluorescent hi-viz yellow. This thing is so fucking punk rock. And it only does one thing well: BREAK SHIT.  Continue reading

It Was 5 Years Ago that the Saints Came Back to the Superdome

The New Orleans Times-Picayune ran a series this past week commemorating the 2006 reopening of the Superdome for the New Orleans Saints’ home opener a little over a year after Hurricane Katrina, and a lot of people are remembering the spectacle of U2 and Green Day arena-rocking the Dome as the kickoff for the Monday Night Football telecast.  For me, though, the musicians who made that night special were Allen Toussaint and Irma Thomas. Continue reading