Daily Archives: August 27, 2011

6 posts

Let’s Talk About Basia, Baby

No, Basia isn’t a color a few steps away from fuchsia. Basia is a Polish singing sensation!  A sensation that you might not have heard about. Sure, her hits aren’t the stuff of legends but they did chart in the late eighties and early nineties. Most people that know of Basia are males in their mid-late fifties so if you are outside of this age range, then consider yourself blessed. Here are a few of her hits for your listening pleasure:

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Nerd News Roundup: Will Work for Experience Points

Hello, faithful friends. I know last week was rough without your fix, but daddy is back with more of the good stuff. Unfortunately, all is not well in the kingdom of Nerds. The House of Mouse has taken the axe to the House of Ideas. Brand new shiny shows have been shuttered before they were even unlocked. Even iconic underpants are collecting unemployment these days. On the flip side, video game goliaths are expanding their market and superheroes find new ways to produce new jobs. You’ll find this and cake in this week’s Nerd News Roundup! Continue reading

Your Crasstalk Hurricane Emergency Guide

Good morning gang and especially you Crasstalkers on the East Coast. By the time you are reading this there is probably only a few of hours left before you start to feel the effects of the hurricane. Not ready yet? Go, now. Here’s a couple of things to get you started and a list of emergency contacts and numbers you may need. I have included mostly state government links, but please feel free to add info from your own area in the comments. I tried to include Twitter links for each area so you can get emergency information on your phone if you lose power of internete access. Stay safe and be sensible out there.

Here is a handy list of supplies you might need for the storm. You probably have many of them around your house already, just get them together in one place where you can find them even if it is dark. Additionally, if you live in an evacuation zone you need to have a bag ready in case you need to get on the move quickly. Also, make sure you make a plan to keep in touch with your friends and family during the storm. Below are a few resources by city in case you need them.

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