
43 posts

Angry Birds Addiction or Yet Another Way Being Single Will Definitely Kill You

I must admit that the Angry Birds phenomenon has largely passed me by, due to me being one of the few people in the world who uses a Microsoft KIN phone. Without the appeal of playing it on the hand-held touchscreen for which it was clearly designed, it just seems like a poor man’s Worms or Scorched Earth. But today I learned that my stubborn refusal to keep up with the latest trends in gadgetry and gaming has actually been keeping me safe from terrible harm. Continue reading

Brothers and Sisters

My mom has seven siblings. My dad has three. I have one. Can you imagine having 150? As the New York Times recently reported, Cynthia Daily wanted to find some her child’s half siblings. (She and her partner used a sperm donor to conceive.) Apparently Daily’s child has 150 half-siblings.

“Today there are 150 children, all conceived with sperm from one donor, in this group of half siblings, and more are on the way. “It’s wild when we see them all together — they all look alike,” said Ms. Daily, 48, a social worker in the Washington area who sometimes vacations with other families in her son’s group.Continue reading

The Friend That I Hate

I love you. I hate you.

I had coffee the other day with a friend I kind of hate.

Yes, yes, it’s been pointed out to me: we may have to discuss my understanding of the word “friend”.  I still haven’t fully figured out why, and have often lamented this fact, but for some reason, for my entire life, I’ve always had one friend that I actually–truth be told–despise.   When I mention this to people, “You know how you always have that one friend you can’t stand?”, they stare, blankly.  Clearly, this isn’t a common phenomenon.  We do have to discuss my understanding of the word “friend”. Continue reading

Divorce: The End of the Beginning?

It took her only 24 hours. 24 hours to turn our lives upside down and change everything. 24 hours to wipe the whole slate clean.

My mother had recovered fairly quickly from the divorce. At least to the point that she was able to function in day to day life and put forth a brave face for her daughter, who, incidentally, did not recover quite as quickly, nor really understood exactly what had happened to their family. Continue reading

Say No To Grandpa Joe

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Both the book and its two movie counterparts have many perceived villains. But, when you think about it, none of them are actually villains in the first place. Slugworth, the obvious culprit, is actually just a moral test placed in the children’s way by Willy Wonka.  You could also consider Willy Wonka a villain; but in the end he is just trying to find an heir to his empire. The true villain in the series is Grandpa Joe.

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