Sashay, shantay, panther on the runway! Right away we can see this reunion special is…special, and I’m immediately willing to forgive and forget that we were left hanging last week. They’re on a bigger set than usual, there’s an audience and we’re treated to a fun opening routine. The queens are introduced one by one. The audience cheers, but they don’t actually get on their feet until Latrice Royale is introduced. Jesus is a biscuit.
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“Resistance is futile,” the queens intone as they hit the workroom. Phi Phi says she knew this would be the top three. Sharon says she’s surprised she made it this far. Hit the jump and let’s dish on how the finale played out!
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Hey, babes. Did you catch last night’s clips show? Ru has strung us along for one more week, recounting all the major events of the season, including the top fashion looks. Of course RuPaul herself winds up number one for that! The unaired footage we were privy to last night was minimal and not very exciting. Blurred out genitals! Blurred out ass crack! Jiggly helping Phi Phi do calisthenics! Whatev. So, at the suggestion of the lovely Dürer’s Rhino, I’m putting up this post for us to collectively recap the season the best way we know how: using GIFs! Continue reading
What’s up, slunts? Are you a little drunk? Are you ready to shake dat ass? I hope so because I have a minimix to get your groove started!
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The Drag Race season premiere may have had its share of zombies, but last night’s episode truly saw someone return from the dead. As the episode starts, the queens enter the workroom. “Stay true,” DiDa wrote on the mirror. Sure, DiDa, what and ever. The surviving queens know someone is returning, and they are not having it. They decide they’ll make signs and protest. Hit the jump, and let’s put this corpse of an episode behind us as quickly as possible. Continue reading
Hi, sluts. Are you ready to bop your head, shake your booty or otherwise jiggle your fleshsuit? Good! Hit the jump!
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“Colored girl, why yo base look like chalk?” Well played, Milan. A funny spin on Ru’s lyrics is a light and memorable way to exit the show. You’re the first one to do this right. Chad said she loved Milan, that she was class act. For the most part, yes. I’m still disappointed that Milan didn’t compete as strongly as it seemed she would. Willam asks Jiggly if she thinks she’ll win the show. Crickets. Oookay then. Hit the jump, and let’s dish. Continue reading
To mark the Blu-ray release of Nine 1/2 Weeks, Flavorwire did a great post about films that approach eroticism in an unconventional way. Head over there to check out the ten films in their list. Then hit the jump to read my pick and give yours. Slightly NSFW image ahead. Continue reading
The remaining queens enter the workroom and circle Kenya’s clothes hangers like vultures circling a carcass in the desert. Kenya has scribbled on the mirror in lipstick: “Phi Phi, I love you. Sisters forever.” Gross, Kenya. I think even less of you now. Phi Phi has a sad because her best friend is gone. Awww, Phi Phi has feefees. Isn’t that sweet? No. No, it is not. Phi Phi mentions that Milan has sent both Puerto Rican queens home. “You’re never going to be in West Side Story again. Not even a touring production, bitch,” Willam says. Welcome back, you funny bitch. I have missed this side of Willam. Milan says she’s not going to compromise. Hm. This feels familiar. Hit the jump, and let’s dish on last night’s episode. Continue reading
When the queens enter the workroom, Willam immediately claims Madame’s hangers. Madame La Queer has scrawled on the mirror in lipstick: “Chad, Sharon, Milan, Dita = True Friends.” Awww that’s sweet, Madame. It’s a shame you spelled your friend DiDa’s name wrong. Willam says she doesn’t care. Willam, NO1CURR. “It’s a new day,” says Milan. Latrice is feeling good about her win: “America’s next drag superstar will be a big bitch!” As long as she’s you, Latrice, I am all for this. Okay, let’s see what else went down during last night’s episode! Continue reading