Oh hello. Welcome back to the greatest show on Earth. Or at least the greatest show on Bravo, Wednesdays at 10pm EST. Well, maybe. So we got rid of two sugar dough slores we didn’t like last week. That felt pretty satisfying, didn’t it? You know what wasn’t as satisfying as it seemed like it might be? Gaygent Smith getting in touch with his inner bitch. He reached deep inside himself–deeper even than the other Gaygent Smith has reached inside him–and yet the bitchery that he produced paled in comparison to the scathing acid words that poured from Angry Montel’s lips. Angry Montel is Queen Bitch, and don’t you ever forget it. So, what’s going on this week? Well, take a flying leap, and I’ll tell you.
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It’s on now, slores. Rebecca Dolores Vivian HeHitMe Victim Umbridge Masson has finally been eliminated, and the battle of Mad v Gay is about to escalate to a level of rage and bitchery the likes of which we haven’t seen. Aren’t you glad we’ll never have to look at Rebecca’s pink cast or martyr tears ever again? Join me after the jump for a peek at what’s in store for us tonight.