This week, let’s take a look at where we make our money. Or for those of us who don’t make money, let’s take a look at where we spend our days (don’t you dare say anything bad about my sofa).
Hopefully you got the early message on the Open Thread and have taken snaps of your office or cubicle or desk or wherever it is you get paid to check in on Crasstalk 400 times a day. If you haven’t, you might be able to find a reasonable facsimile on the web. And if you can’t, then give us a snapshot of your computer right now. Or any project you happen to be working on.
Other than hitting the refresh button on the OT, just how do you spend your days?
A big thanks to Houseboat for this week’s PhotoPhriday theme.
Now pay attention: I can always use ideas for PhotoPhriday. If you’ve got something you’d like to see, email me at [email protected]
How to Post Pics:
1) If you want to use a pic from your computer, you’ve got to first upload it to the web. Click on either of these links: imgur or tinypic. Follow the directions to upload.
2) After the upload, you’ll see various links for your pic. Copy the direct link; you want the one that ends in .jpg
3) Come back here. Type this exact code (including the brackets and quotation marks) into the “Post A New Comment” box: <img src=“ ” /> and paste your direct link in between the quote marks. There should be a space between img and src (img src), but otherwise, no spaces between anything.
4) It should look like this: <img src=”http//www.yourphotodirectlink.jpg” /> Make sure to include those brackets.
5) If you’re using a photo already on the web: Right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image and select “View Image” or “Copy Image URL/Location.” Copy-and-paste the URL and use the <img src=“ ” /> code above.
Image source.