Imagine paying $13,000 for one square foot of property. Now imagine being so wealthy that you don’t even care.
Someone has just plunked down a cool $90 million to buy a Manhattan apartment that hasn’t been built yet. Granted, it’s going to be a duplex on the 89th and 90th floors, and it’ll be close to 11,000 square feet, but it’s on the West Side, in midtown for crying out loud.
Still, it got me thinking of how nice life must be if one can spend $90 mil on an apartment. And how sweet it would be to live there, with arguably one of the best views in the world.
So with that as inspiration, let’s go shopping. Go buy yourself a house or two. Or an apartment. The sky’s the limit.
If you could afford anything, anywhere, give us an idea of what it would be. Southeby’s has a few things you might like.
Whatever you get, just make sure it has a wing with a private entrance for me.
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Image source: NY Times