God Help Us Democratic Debate Open Thread

Wait, Lincoln Chafee is seriously running? Also, if you are new to Crass and want to join the fun, see this page to start commenting.

Tonight’s Contenders

Benghazi Betty
The Man Who Scares Your Cousins in Alabama
That Guy Who Locked Up Everyone in Baltimore
The Guy From Virginia Who Didn’t Go To Jail for Corruption
Another Guy Who Got the Job from his Dad (and used to be a Republican)

There is something to offend everyone. So get some liquor and pull up your patriotic tear bucket as we watch the fun.

You can view the debate free, because apparently CNN is still good for something.

Drinking Rules

  • Drink every time you think “Who is that person?”
  • Drink when Jim Webb says “Who am I? Why am I here?”
  • Drink when a moderator asks Jim Webb, “who are you? Why are you here?”
  • Benghazi Rule: If someone says Benghazi you can make one other commenter drink.
  • Bernie Sanders Rule: Anytime someone mentions legal weed take a bong hit. Residents of Colorado, Washington State, and the District of Columbia must have a smug look on their face while they do this.
Survivors of the Apocalypse by krheesy, on Flickr
Creative Commons Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic License   by  krheesy 

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