It’s Canada’s 146th Birthday. In celebration, today’s post will focus on Canadian made products. Try not to get all emotional.
Culinary Delights
Admittedly, I’ve never had a beavertail. But this one is smothered in nutella and I’m reconsidering my lack of interest.
Why bother with culinary school when humanity, thanks to my beloved French-Canadians, has already reached the zenith of culinary glory with the poutine?
Tarte au sucre (sugar pie)
Your life will only find meaning once you’ve had a slice of a tarte au sucre.
Nanaimo Bars
The nanaimo bar contains dried coconut. You’ve been warned.
While we may not have our very own Nate Berkus, Canadians have created a bunch of interior design stuff.
Project G Stereo by Clairtone
Let’s listen to some sweet, sweet Anne Murray on vinyl.
K700 Stool
Probably the only exciting thing to do in Rexdale is to visit the manufacturing plant that produces the K700 stool.
Plastic Chair
I had two image choices when researching Stefan Siwinski’s 1965 fiberglass chair. One featured a cat.
Ringmaster Pendant Lamp by Frank G. Reed
I’d like one in yellow.
That pretty much covers Canada’s contributions to humanity. Or to the very least, the one’s that matter.