So, you find yourself surrounded by mason jars, corks, and I dunno, pipe cleaners and coat hangers, and you’ve decided to embark on a DIY project. If you’re like me, this will probably not happen, because 1) Where do you get all this stuff? 2) How does one ever really decide to make a reindeer lawn ornament out of mason jars, corks, pipe cleaners and coat hangers? No matter! This is what you’ve planned to do since all the Thanksgiving hullaballoo has died down and it’s right before the Christmas shopping craze gets into full swing. So, what’s a good DIY project?
I’m both fascinated and appalled by some of the things I’ve seen on Pinterest, Etsy, and other places full of DIY thingamabobs. Mostly a lot of this stuff reminds me of Nana’s toilet paper cozies, or goofball things that really have no use except for guests in your home to say things like, “Wow. 250 twisty ties can make a Christmas wreath if you don’t look too hard at it, and if you use a lot of red and green spray paint. You Win! Maybe.” Yet, DIY is all the rage right now. Seriously. The mason jar thing has literally gotten out of control. You can use them in an herb garden, to hang things on your walls, as a drink holder (What? It’s already a jar?!!!), as a chandelier, picture frame, and a thingee TO HOLD STUFF IN BECAUSE IT’S A JAR!!
This says nothing about all of the Craftfails that may be lurking around every corner. and Pinstrosity are littered with the dregs of craft abominations attempted and unceremoniously labeled “awful.” I can’t be the only one who finds things like this hilarious. And if I came to your house and you proudly had these things displayed I’d have to leave the room, because there’s no amount of “Oh, honey, you tried.” comforting that could make this any better for the creator or the viewer. It just looks like a road traveled that ended up in crazy Craftbattyburg.
Easy, breezy T-shirt pom-poms? Perhaps not.
Behold a Turkey Tulle Wreath!
But I digress, are there things out there that actually look good and aren’t so obnoxiously kitschy and ADORBS! AWESOME! SO CUTE I WANNA DIE! but are just great creations that really can be creative, interesting, unique, artsy, and cool that folks who maybe haven’t given this whole DIY thing a chance could maybe get on board with?
From what I’m seeing. I’m quite skeptical.
For me, I’m all for creative things. I like working with my hands. I get a kick out of putting things together including furniture (Die in a Fire IKEA), but the thought of some sort of labor intensive thing that will end up looking like a foraged, back-of-a-barn creation complete with twine, random doorknobs, and various buttons, makes my eyes roll heavenward and engages my snark meter. No, no, I will not try to recreate this towel rack made out of rope! It’s like someone is telling me, “Hey! Bring an outhouse to your in house!” Why would you do this?
So I challenge one and all to find really cool stuff and post them in the comments. I’m sure they’re out there, and honestly I’m open to seeing what DIY AH-MAHZING things the interwebz have to offer. (I’m also open to snickering at really horrible things too, so if you find really atrocious stuff post those too!) Mostly, though, is there any DIY thing worth making?