
38 posts

QOTD: What’s in Your Car?

My house is usually reasonably clean and tidy, but my car is a pigsty.

It’s not utterly gross, there’re no food remains anywhere. But there is Stuff. I throw stuff in it, and it’s never seen again.  Donations for charity have spent an entire summer in the back seat, except for a week when it was moved to the trunk because people were visiting and I needed the seat for them.

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QOTD: Tell Us about Your Driver’s License Road Test

I dunno if there was ever anything in my life that scared me as much as taking my driver’s license road test. Well, ok, there were scarier things that just happened, but nothing that I deliberately signed up for, where I marched up to the counter and said, “Please inflict this horror upon me” and paid money for it.

I didn’t get my license when I was 16 and young and stupid and not afraid of anything, I left it a bit late. Continue reading

Refinery 29’s Illustrated History of Nail Art

I’d like to direct your attention to Refinery 29. Currently, they have a slide show with illustrations giving a few key milestones in the history of nail art, from ancient Egyptians dying their fingertips with henna to 15th century Incas painting eagles on their fingernails.

Modern nail polish as we know it would not be possible without the automobile, as nail polish is modeled after car paint. Continue reading

Reminiscing About First Love

It was magical the first time I saw you.  I couldn’t believe my eyes.  I still don’t know if perfection in such a form can exist.  Sure, you were older than me, but who wasn’t when I was 14? That didn’t matter. I was excited. You were always ready to take me somewhere new.  You were the epitome of beauty and sex. I will always remember my time with you fondly, with a twinge of remorse, and a longing for simpler times.  Continue reading

Driving Angry Is a Sport

There may be New York plates on the cars I drive now, but I am a Boston Driver, born and bred.

Let me be clear for those who have never had the pleasure of driving with us Masshole license holders: We will kill you. My husband, who is from San Diego, is terrified to drive with me. He says he gets frightened when I yell at other drivers. First off, I say, if the motherfuckers didn’t deserve it, I wouldn’t have to yell. Second, it’s not like the motherfuckers can hear me. Continue reading

Social Media and Public Works: Los Angeles’ Carmageddon Public Information Campaign

Apparently Hitler drives a Prius.

The 405 freeway is an important artery in Los Angeles, and is one of the main ways of connecting the Westside to the Valley. There isn’t a train or bus route that effectively duplicates the route that the 405 takes, so shutting down the freeway for a weekend to demolish the Mulholland Drive Bridge as part of a highway widening project was considered a big deal for the residents of those neighborhoods.  The build-up to the closing of the 405 was heralded by a massive public information campaign that could basically be summed up as “do not drive to the Westside on the weekend of July 16-17, because it will literally be hell on earth.” Granted, if Los Angeles, and particularly the Westside, were more multi-modal, the need for mass panic probably wouldn’t exist. It still would be a big deal but people wouldn’t be urged to just hide in their homes and barricade their doors. However, the information still needed to be disseminated. Continue reading