Over the next three days, the Supreme Court will hear six hours of oral arguments in three cases all related to the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as “Obamacare.” Six hours is the most argument time the Court has dedicated to one issue in over 40 years, and the decisions handed down could have a profound effect not just on the future of healthcare in America but also issues of federalism, judicial oversight, and executive power. Continue reading
On March 2, 1962, Wilt Chamberlain became the only player in NBA history to score 100 points in a game. He actually set eight individual game records that night: Continue reading
In twenty total games this season, the New York Giants defense faced a total of 1,072 plays including 637 pass plays. 48 of those plays were ended with a thunderous sack of which thrice-first-named Jason Pierre-Paul had 16. 20 of those 637 pass plays ended with New York interceptions – Corey Webster paced with six while Kenny Phillips and Aaron Ross each grabbed four. A sack or an interception can change the course of a game and a season. But a defensed pass play in Week 14 that was far more innocuous-looking on the play-by-play was the one that allowed the Giants to even get in the tournament, much less win the Super Bowl:
3rd and 5 at DAL 25 | (Shotgun) T.Romo pass incomplete deep right to M.Austin. Pass incomplete on a “go” route. |
Injuries happen every year, yet this year the bug has seemed to bite the quarterback position particularly hard. The Houston Texans are starting TJ Yates, who I swear played eight collegiate seasons at North Carolina. The Chiefs are starting Tyler Palko, a guy who was cut from the United Football League’s California Redwoods in 2009. If you looked at the Week 13 starters in the NFL Rex Grossman wouldn’t even be in the bottom five, and that’s quite a thing. Continue reading
If you take your cues from the supermarket magazine aisle, manliness is pretty easy. Spend a few days browsing the selection and you’ll learn all about how you, too, can have ripped abs, a ripped chest, and ripped legs. You’ll be able to run faster at the track, lift more weight on the bench, and bike up mountains in no time. You’ll learn how to buy the perfect suit, cook the perfect meal, and be the perfect lover. But is a superficial checklist all it takes to be manly? Brett and Kate McKay, the authors of The Art of Manliness – Manvotionals: Timeless Wisdom and Advice on Living the 7 Manly Virtues
, think manliness runs a bit deeper than having killer quads and looking great at the beach. Continue reading
I wasn’t quite sure what to expect when I pulled into my reserved spot in the far-flung corner of the shopping center parking lot. The four-bay outparcel housed a Gamestop, two vacant storefronts, and the reason why I was here. My friends had raved about this hot new chic entrant to the Orlando dining scene, but I remained unconvinced. Mexican food was always hit or miss for me. I’d eaten plenty of $2 24oz tacos and even an $18 molé once (spoiler alert: it tasted just like $3 molé). Truly delicious Mexican fare at a reasonable price point seemed even more distant than Mexico is from where I stood in Central Florida. But there I was, at 1:00pm on a Friday afternoon, prepared to take a step into the unknown. Continue reading
Bruno Mars seems to be everywhere these days – his videos are on MTV, his songs are on pop radio, his face is on all manner of print ads. But what impact has he really made on the federal court scene? None, of course. Well, none until September 1st of this year.
Joseph Agnew was on a full football scholarship at Rice University when he suffered a career-ending injury after his sophomore season. The university informed him that he was no longer a member of the football team and therefore would no longer continue to receive his scholarship for the remaining two years at school. He applied for and received an additional year of tuition, even though he was no longer on the team. His request for full tuition for his senior year was subsequently denied and Mr. Agnew was forced to pony up his last year’s tuition out-of-pocket to recieve his degree. He sued claiming that two NCAA bylaws mandating one-year scholarships and scholarship caps for athletes were in violation of federal law.
“A streak of fire, a breath of flame
Eluding all who reach and clutch;
A gray ghost thrown into the game
That rival hands may never touch;
A rubber bounding, blasting soul
Whose destination is the goal — Red Grange of Illinois!”
– Grantland Rice
People don’t write about football players like this any more. Luckily, there’s America’s only all old-timey sports writer NFL preview!
(Note: I didn’t actually research if this was the case, just go with it.)
Money, like air and sex, can never really be appreciated until it’s gone. Likewise a cash injection after a long dry spell (not unlike its counterparts) can bring a smile and an optimism about the road ahead. Football teams are affected by this phenomenon as we all are. Manchester City’s cash infusion has brought a trophy, European competition, and resulted in the best football any team has played over the first two weeks – seven goals and six out of six points. Cash-strapped and overmatched Blackburn and West Brom toil at the bottom already pitted in a relegation battle that will surely last through May.
Most sports fans can think of a few ultimate high points in their watching career. My peak moment came at the ripe old age of 7.