Everyone has something to say about someone else getting a tattoo. In a recent “Ask A Lady” on the Hairpin, the question was: “I’m about to turn 18 and want to get a tattoo of some writing on my shoulder. Should I?” Continue reading
I think it’s time we’ve had a talk, my friends. It isn’t easy for me to tell you this but friends tell friends hard truths. You ready? Here it goes: Your deodorant is terrible. I’m only telling you this because I care (and because that smell is offensive). Continue reading
Is there any makeup look more universally coveted (and universally failed) than the glamorous cat-eye? When I see a woman with a perfectly sculpted flipped liner end, I feel simultaneously awed, jealous, congratulatory, humbled, and pretty much every other feeling imaginable. After ordering to-go lattes several days in a row at a small, conveniently-located Italian restaurant, I couldn’t help myself. “Your makeup is beautiful. I just can’t do it and I’ve given up ages ago. Is it hard to do?” The barista smiled (that polite bitch had perfectly dewy skin and an infuriatingly radiant smile) and said, “It’s really easy for me now. I’ve been doing it pretty much every day since I was 14.” Continue reading
Welcome to the second post of the new weekly series: Slores on Beauty. The divine Dancing Queen and I will alternate bringing you advice on a range of beauty products from hair care to make-up to skincare. We are also seeking advice from you, as well as taking any questions. Continue reading
Let’s talk about make-up! Quick. Empty out your purse. Run to your bathroom/closet/desk drawers. Your jacket pocket. Your nightstand.
How many lip products do you own?
I did this the other day to take a quick inventory of all of the lip products I owned and managed to find 15 different types of lip gloss/lipstick/lip balm and “enhancing” products. Continue reading
Fat? We live in such a technological firestorm that anytime a celebrity is photographed nearly instantaneous commentary arises on anything from the hairstyle they’ve chosen, their wardrobe, and even their physical features, via any number of sources. Within moments it’s mentioned on a blog, on Twitter, on Facebook, via text message and possibly with corresponding video. It’s now as easy as hitting “submit” to glimpse someone’s image and make a judgment all in seconds.
Well, one millennial used that very technology to fight back…and good for her.
What’s up, bro? HA! No seriously, I would never say that. He’d kill me. That’s the hair of death. Grim Reaper brought to you by He-Man. Okay, yes, there are important things to discuss. In honor of today’s day of manly-man things, let’s talk about something that may be overlooked on a day full of power tools and sporting events. Hair etiquette for men. I think this is a thing that exists, or at the very least should exist. Why, you may ask? Well, because there are just some things that shouldn’t ever be done. Ever. Continue reading
When the 1980s ended, I, like most women, thought I’d said goodbye to permanent waves forever. I grew out my final perm in 1993 and switched to a more natural look. My friends and I experimented with straightening irons and laughed at our “big eighties hair” in old pictures.
Imagine my surprise when I saw an article about perm revival in the NY Times. “It’s got to be a joke,” I thought. I did a search on Google and found many other articles about permanents. I was in shock, much like my mother must have been when flared jeans came back in style. Continue reading
Confession: I am the laziest female you will ever meet. There are a bunch of reasons for this, some more valid than others, but the point remains: Like the honey badger, I am a sleepy fuck.
I’m not a tomboy. I’m not some gross hobo living on Lower Wacker. I still want to look good, but I just don’t want to have to try. At all. So, I’ve developed a regimen. It’s not exactly the regimen of a Real Housewife of Orange County, but nor is it that of that creepy girl Karen in 10th grade who didn’t wear deodorant and had bits of old food on her sweater all the time. Continue reading
It’s not a secret that curly hair can be difficult to manage. Curly hair will never look the same fantastic way twice, but it will gladly and repetitively mold itself into an homage to the Bride of Frankenstein, on the Friday of your important interview and the Saturday of your wedding.