
48 posts
A sassy disaster. Follow me on Twitter: @missripleysmom Email me: [email protected]

Last-Minute Tips for Your Pet on the Fourth

Ok, so, hopefully for those on the East Coast, you’ve already had a few beers (and a few burgers), but right now the majority of the fireworks (both professional and amateur) are still a few hours away.

You’re ready, but are your pets? Shelters see a drastic uptick in strays on this day because so many dogs and cats are scared of fireworks — not to mention that having all your nieces and nephews going in and out of your house can mean that Brisket is down the block before you know he’s been let out…or that he’s already consumed half of someone’s vodka lemonade.

Keep them out of harm’s way! Here are some basic safety tips. Here are some tips specifically to keep them calm(er) during fireworks; and here are a few more. It’s too late in the game to get prescription sedatives or some of the recommendations, but most big box pet stores are still open, and if it’s imperative, you can pick up a Thundershirt or some Rescue Remedy. Make sure they’re wearing their collars and tags, too!

If your pet eats something it shouldn’t, click here for my handy guide to pet poisoning. And a final note: if your dog or cat gets loose, notify your neighbors and the police right away. If you find out tonight that he’s in a shelter, don’t scream or throw a tantrum– no amount of emotional fireworks will get your pet sprung before open of business tomorrow. Just be happy that they’re safe and secure.

Happy 4th to you and your pets!

The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Moving

So! In the Lazy Girl’s Guide to Being Pretty, we discussed how you can look hot without moving too much or putting on pants without elastic waistbands. Because we’re lazy. Now, we’re going to tackle something everyone, but especially lazy people, absolutely dread: moving.

I’ve moved at least ten times in ten years. God, it could even be more; I’m too lazy to count. Some of these moves have been cross-country; some have been cross-city. It doesn’t really matter– it’s all a hell of sweat, swearing, and lifting or carrying heavy things. I have, however, discovered along the way, a few tips to help you move, and a few more tips to help those of us who keep getting evicted having to relocate. Continue reading

Should You Care About Pet Sales Bans?

Yesterday, it was announced that the Humane Pet Acquisition Proposal would be making its way back to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Last year, the city attempted to pass legislation making the sale of dogs and cats illegal within city limits.

The proposed legislation takes it one step further this time: San Fran wants to ban fish, reptiles, amphibians, and birds from being available for sale except as food. Continue reading

There Are Now 10 States Where Abortion is ‘Virtually Illegal’

While Roe v. Wade is still technically the law of the land, there are ten states trying their hardest to make sure an abortion is more difficult to obtain than ever. In some states, women don’t even have reasonable access to abortion. In others, women are being prosecuted for attempting to terminate their pregnancies in non-medical settings, presumably for lack of viable options.  Would it be fair to only have three dentists in the entire state of Kansas?

Crasstalk Book Club: Discussing Ethan Brown’s Shake the Devil Off

Sorry about the brief delay in the discussion post! Hopefully this gave those of you who waited until Friday night to open the book (I know who you are) time to finish.

On that note, I would much rather have been writing this post than hard-restraining tornado refugee pit bulls for fourteen hours on a weekend. So if you’d like to help me get my posts done on time in the future, donate to the ASPCA or HSUS.

So. Shake the Devil Off. Did you find it uplifting? A story of triumph over adversity? If you did, give it a quick re-read. But though it wasn’t the feel-good book of the year, hopefully you appreciated the book. And if you didn’t, hopefully you want to tell everyone why.

Continue reading

Crasstalk Interviews Shake The Devil Off Author Ethan Brown

Those of us living in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina hit in August 2005 dealt with a number of challenges in the aftermath: where to live, how to rebuild, and how to cope with the changes in the city. In the midst of rebuilding their lives, New Orleanians were stunned by the suicide of Zack Bowen in October of 2006 and even more shocked by the event preceding it: the horrific murder of his girlfriend, Addie Hall.

The city, once again, was under a microscope after the crime. Nearly every news organization focused on the grisly details of the crime; some poked fun, some tried to extrapolate meaning, but few dug deep into the background of the two people involved and tried to find a real answer for how their lives ended in the ways they did. Ethan Brown, after writing an article about the murder for Penthouse, packed up and moved to the French Quarter to try to answer the questions so many had. Continue reading

Training Corner: Scratch That

Cat scratch fever! It’s a Motor City Madman song, a real disease (I’ve had it!), and a cliche way to start an article about cats and their scratching habits. Whether you have an adult cat that you would someday like to wean off your 15-year-old couch in hopes of getting a new one, or you’re adding a kitten to the family, knowing why they scratch and what you can do to ensure they use what you want them to use is a big issue. One option that isn’t on the table: Declawing. And we’ll talk about that too. Continue reading

Don’t Poison Your Pets

Some Crassers have been concerned lately about what’s bad for their pets to eat, and just how much is really horrible. The bad news: there are a lot of things that will poison your cat or dog. The good news: it usually takes a lot to do harm. So here’s a helpful guide to what’s going to cause you to clean up gallons of vomit and what you can do in an emergency.

You can find a comprehensive list here, but we’ll focus on the most common things, and some of the less common things that can cause big problems. Continue reading