Daily Archives: May 25, 2012

11 posts

Cash COW

Will that be cash, credit or COW? Happy Friday, Crasstalkers. Amurricans, you are headed into a long weekend. Enjoy yourselves without getting into trouble. Canadians, you just had a long weekend so suck it up. The rest of you–I don’t know what to say. Remember: if you would like to nominate a comment for Comment of the Week, please take a screenshot of it and send it to me: crasstalkcow at gmail. If it’s a long thread just screenshot the first comment or two, but always remember to tell me what post or OT the comment comes from. Okay, munchkins, are you ready to relive the week and laugh once more? Good. Hit the jump.
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Race Riot in Tel Aviv – Racism and the Far Right

On Wednesday night, an anti-African race riot broke out in South Tel Aviv in Israel. It began as a protest against illegal immigrants from South Sudan, and spiralled into an orgy of violence in which the rioters attacked Africans or people who appeared to be Africans, and smashed up and looted shops owned by members of, or serving, the African-Israeli community.

I should be clear, right off the bat, that I don’t intend what I am writing here to be a slam on Israel. I have my issues with Israel, but that isn’t what this is about. The Tel Aviv race riot is only the most recent manifestation of the phenomenon that I want to discuss. Continue reading

Zimbabwe’s Hyper-Inflation Four Years Later

Roughly four years ago, Zimbabwe experienced one of the worst cases of hyper-inflation in the history of the world. The country was experiencing 165,000% inflation in April of 2008. That’s an insane number. Typically, hyperinflation is said to occur when the monthly inflation rate exceeds 50%. We’re talking about 3300 times that amount. Say the USA was experiencing that rate of inflation. If you went to buy a pack of Marlboros for $7 today, tomorrow it would be worth $39, then next week it would be $221 dollars. A year later, that same pack of cigarettes would cost $11,557. Continue reading

QOTD: What Stupid Things Did You Do as a Teen?

Many of you have obviously enjoyed the stories of my daughter’s foray into internet shopping crime. I am unsure if you found her gumption or my rantings/ravings more amusing.

HollandaiseMess suggested that we trade our stupidity in a post.  So please use this opportunity to regale us with your stupidity, cunning and deceit. Don’t forget to include if you were caught and what the consequences of your actions were. The mother in me is curious whether you decided to repeat the offense or if you learned your lesson. Continue reading