If you were an animated gif, what would it be? Seeing as how I’m having a tough time coming up with fresh ideas to inspire you guys, this week I’m resorting to theft. Today’s PhotoPhriday is lifted from a recent Open Thread featuring animated gifs meant make fun of pay homage to other beloved Crassholes. I don’t recall who the original poster was, so forgive for not giving credit where it’s due.
But today it’s more personal. It’s about you. It’s about finding that animated gif that perfectly represents who you are in this world. So go and scour the internet for those gifs that will give us a better idea as to the special snowflake that you are.
If one’s just not enough, feel free to go ahead and tell us your life story with happy gifs, sad gifs, drunk gifs and more drunk gifs. In fact, have some drinks while you’re posting, and let’s see where this leads us.
And, of course, you can always counter someone’s self-delusional gif with something you think is more appropriate.
In other words, this week’s PhotoPhriday is a gif war about us.
Main Image via A Girl Posts the Best Gifs