Daily Archives: September 29, 2011

11 posts

Bachmann “Blames” Obama for Arab Spring

In an effort to make herself seem even more crazy than was previously thought possible, Michele Bachmann has blamed the Arab Spring on Obama as if the Arab Spring were a bad thing. She does have a legitimate concern that some countries might end up being ruled by a hard line theocracy like Iran after the fall of the Shah, but this seems far from the foregone conclusion that she makes it out to be.

Apparently the worst thing in the world is to be compared to Jimmy Carter and blamed for the popular uprising against dictators.

Watch the video after the break. Continue reading

Will He or Won’t He? Chris Christie, Coy Media Darling

I think we all just won a date with Chris Christie. Well, that’s what the media would like anyway. Sure, yes, we get it. The Republican presidential candidate field is littered with wishy-washy, strange jokers, who can’t go more than two weeks without some sort of gaffe, image problem, or just plain inability to connect with more than just the Tea Party. So some Republicans are frustrated, but even more to the point, the media is just beside itself with trying to latch onto a candidate that actually offers a consistent message, and a measure of stately, unshakeable, staunch republicanism that can actually take Obama to the mat.

Enter the makings of a savior, Chris Christie. Continue reading

On the Congressional GOP Leader’s Letter to Ben Bernanke

As some of you may have heard, the Congressional GOP leadership, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House John Boehner, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Senator Jon Kyl (a member of the so-called deficit supercommittee) sent a letter to Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on Monday, ahead of the two day meeting of the Board Members of the Federal Reserve which began yesterday.

For those of you wishing to read the entire letter (and I suggest you do), here is the text. Continue reading

First Ever Crasstalk Recipe Contest Results

OK FOOD SLORES! Here is your First Ever Crasstalk Recipe Contest First Ever Winner! We had some formidable, formidable talent! Would Homoviper NurseWrestle Tacky_Tick? Or, would Greenwitch_Refugee try to cast a spell over the Shes_a_Rainbow. OR, maybe the Grand Inquisitor would drill Ross, MissLinda, BaldwinP and the others. Because nobody expects the Grand Inquisition. Continue reading

Saudi Woman Sentenced to 10 Lashes for Driving is Spared by King

Following on from the news that King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia is allowing women to vote in muncipal elections starting in 2015, comes the latest baby step in women’s rights in Saudi Arabia. The Saudi courts sentenced a woman to 10 lashes for the crime of driving. Not driving recklessly or drunk, just driving while being a woman. King Abdullah has intervened to prevent the sentence being carried out. The King’s intervention was first announced on Twitter by the wife of a billionaire Saudi Prince, in a somewhat surreal contrast to the far less modern situation on which she was commenting.

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