
10 posts

Crasserolia: The Results

Greetings, chickadees! I know you’ve been eagerly waiting for the results of our Crasserole Contest. This time we asked you to be a little luxurious with the ingredients seeing as we’ve been making you be all stingy with el budget. You did not disappoint! We ended up having an ultimate smackdown between The Grand Inquisitor herself and our resident Aussie, BaldwinP. Both formidible opponents who you wouldn’t want to get caught in a culinary dark alley with, so to speak. So without any further ado, on to the results! Continue reading

A Moveable Olive Garden Contest: Hemingway or Hagerty?

Below, you will find ten quotes from the works of two great authors: Ernest Hemingway and Marilyn Hagerty. Both have captivated the world with their sparse, pithy writing. And so I present to you, Crasstalk readers, lurkers and passers-by, the great Moveable Olive Garden Contest. Can you identify who wrote which quote without the assistance of Google or your  dog-eared copy of In Our Time? Put your guesses in the comments. Continue reading

Recipe Contest: There’s No Place Like Home

Back by special request, we are bringing you our latest contest installment: CASSEROLES. You love them, they’re easy, they usually contain some wonderful form of cheese. What’s not to like? But after awhile, you do end up running out of ideas and it’d be great to get new ones to reinvigorate the ol’ repertoire. We only have a few weeks left of winter so why not celebrate the end with homey goodness? Conversely, what better way to celebrate spring with one made with new vegetables? Continue reading

First Ever Crasstalk Recipe Contest Results

OK FOOD SLORES! Here is your First Ever Crasstalk Recipe Contest First Ever Winner! We had some formidable, formidable talent! Would Homoviper NurseWrestle Tacky_Tick? Or, would Greenwitch_Refugee try to cast a spell over the Shes_a_Rainbow. OR, maybe the Grand Inquisitor would drill Ross, MissLinda, BaldwinP and the others. Because nobody expects the Grand Inquisition. Continue reading