Daily Archives: July 20, 2011

9 posts

Wednesday Evening Open Thread

Forty-two years ago tonight, Apollo 11 landed in the Sea of Tranquility on the surface of the moon.  A few hours later, around 2 am GMT, Neil Armstrong became the first human to set foot on the moon – a feat to which only 12 humans can lay claim. Think about that as you gaze up at tonight’s waning moon. Continue reading

Is Your Vacation Killing You?

TIME Magazine is the latest to kill your summer vacay buzz.  They report on an interactive map  from the American Trauma Society that allows you to determine how quickly you could access potentially life saving trauma care.  As this helpful article points out, the areas suffering a dearth of trauma centers encompass a bunch of popular vacation destinations.

Actually the article is mostly about disparities in care in urban and rural centers, particularly with high risk emergencies – not just accidents, but strokes, heart attacks, etc.  It’s sad that to make this point, we need to appeal to wealthy vacationing urbanites and their fears of not being able to access emergency care.  Too often, we forget about the folks that live in our favorite vacation spots year round  – often in near or outright poverty.

And now I’ve killed your buzz too.

QOTD: What’s in Your Blogroll?

ooOOoo, what does THIS button do?

Let’s be fair, we’re all here because we have similar online reading habits. This is a diverse group though, we come from all over the world, with all kinds of tastes, and we read a lot of stuff all over this here Internet. So, today’s Question of the Day: What else do you check on a regular basis? And don’t say ‘Crasstalk’ in your answer, because you’re already here.

I rarely go a day without hitting Wonkette and Salon, aside from the time I spend around these parts. I know I go to a host of other blogs throughout the work week, but those are my other regulars. What about you guys? Where else do your eyes stray on the regular?

(photo – Flickr)

The e-Reader Killed the Bookstore Star

I’m a murderer. Yup. I participated in killing off something that I love deeply by owning an e-reader. As Borders, the second largest book seller in the nation, prepares for the liquidation process of selling off its remaining assets this Friday, I can’t help but feel somewhat responsible. If it wasn’t for my need for convenience, my desire to carry not just one book in my handbag but at least three, and the ease with which I can read said book on the subway…Borders might not be going out of business. Yes, I’ve sold my book soul for reading with one hand. Oh, the humanity. Continue reading

Don’t Make Me Defend Michele Bachmann

Maybe making Crazy Face is a migraine trigger?

Yesterday, we learned at Michele Bachmann suffers from debilitating migraine headaches.  According to people who work for Mitt Romney unnamed sources, Bachmann’s headaches are so severe that she is unable to function during severe migraine attacks and occasionally requires trips to the emergency room.  The disclosure of Bachmann’s condition is a pretty obvious attempt to create concerns about her fitness to assume the presidency.  Can she run the country if she’s curled up in bed, crying into her pillow and clutching a giant bottle of Advil, her silent tears freezing on the three ice packs she has strategically placed on her head and neck?  What if the Soviet Union tries to move nuclear weapons to Cuba and the X-Men are nowhere to be found and President Bachmann is locked in a bomb shelter since it’s the only place she can find where the sun won’t bother her eyes during a particularly bad migraine?  What will happen then??? Continue reading