
2 posts

Don’t Make Me Defend Michele Bachmann

Maybe making Crazy Face is a migraine trigger?

Yesterday, we learned at Michele Bachmann suffers from debilitating migraine headaches.  According to people who work for Mitt Romney unnamed sources, Bachmann’s headaches are so severe that she is unable to function during severe migraine attacks and occasionally requires trips to the emergency room.  The disclosure of Bachmann’s condition is a pretty obvious attempt to create concerns about her fitness to assume the presidency.  Can she run the country if she’s curled up in bed, crying into her pillow and clutching a giant bottle of Advil, her silent tears freezing on the three ice packs she has strategically placed on her head and neck?  What if the Soviet Union tries to move nuclear weapons to Cuba and the X-Men are nowhere to be found and President Bachmann is locked in a bomb shelter since it’s the only place she can find where the sun won’t bother her eyes during a particularly bad migraine?  What will happen then??? Continue reading