Yes, You Should Get a Flu Shot This Year


The Centers for Disease Control are reporting an upsurge of reported seasonal influenza cases in the past couple of weeks indicating that we may be in for a particularly nasty Flu season. Even if you do not normally get a shot, this year you should. So far 47 states are reporting wide spread flu infections and cases are serious, many requiring hospitalization. I know, you are healthy and you never get a shot, but this year is severe and most of the ideas you have about Flu vaccines are bullshit anyway. Let me break it down for you.

The Flu shot gives you the Flu. Utter nonsense. Flu vaccine is made from a dead or inactive virus that can no longer cause the Flu. Some people may have reactions to the shot (the most common is swelling around the site of the shot), but this is not the Flu.

I am healthy so I won’t get the Flu. Yes, you can. Being in good health will not protect you if you are exposed. Also, Flu viruses change every year and this year may be one you are particularly vulnerable to. If you really want to be a healthy person, take common sense protections to ensure your health.

Flu vaccine isn’t safe. Don’t be a Jenny MacCarthy moron. Flu vaccine has been around and tested for over fifty years. It is some of the safest stuff we let doctors put in our bodies.

The vaccine isn’t always effective. This may be true, but this year the vaccines available seem to be a good match to the outbreak strain. Additionally, even if you are not protected against every strain, why would you pass on protection for some of them? It takes 10 minutes to get a shot and costs almost nothing.

Getting the Flu isn’t that dangerous for healthy adults. Complications from the Flu (including pneumonia) can kill your ass. Even if you don’t die, spending a few days in the hospital is going to ruin your swerve for a while. Besides that, if you do not get the Flu you can’t give it to people who may have higher risks of life-threatening complications. Do you really want to be the jerk who gives your elderly neighbor or infant nephew an illness that can kill them? Really?

Don’t be a jack ass. Just go get the damn shot. High vaccinations rates will help prevent the spread of the disease and will keep you healthy.

Don’t believe me? Check out the CDC website for more information. They know what they are talking about.

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