project runway

51 posts

Project Runway Liveblog; Final Five!

Yep, we’re down to five fine sewtestants.  Ok, let’s not sugarcoat it – we have 5 people who can sew and attempt to make good TV.  Basically we’re watching for the auf’ings at this point, aren’t we?

Speaking of auf’ings – who’s your choice?  As usual, I’m interested in seeing Joshua go down in flames, but I’m pretty sure Barbie has been doused with enough of the Nina haterade to go downhill this time.  Who will win?  Who will lose?  Who will end up drunk by the end of the episode (this girl)? Continue reading

There Will Be Tears: Liveblogging Project Runway Episode 7!

So here we are. Week seven. Do you care about any of these goblins? Are you rooting for anyone? I’m not, and I don’t. This has been one of the weakest seasons of Project Runway to date, wouldn’t you say? Still, it’s pretty entertaining television, and the judges are a three ring circus unto themselves. Tonight the design goblins will be working in groups again, and that’s always a recipe for friendly cooperation and smiles.

No it’s not, but I don’t really need to explain that to you because you’ve seen it all before, and this season is shuffling along its predetermined path like an obedient automaton in a chiffon robe. The breakdowns are becoming more epic, the bitchery more spectacular. Continue reading

Liveblogging Project Runway Episode Four!

Oh, hello there. It’s me again, your substitute liveblog slunt. Think back to high school when you had that same substitute teacher time after time. The one who had pretty much stopped trying. The one who smelled like vodka and breath mints. The one who basically let you kids do whatever the hell you wanted as long as you didn’t kill one another. Yeah, that’s me, and I’m flexible on the murder thing.

Can you believe we’ve already been watching this shit for a month? I still can’t remember most of the design goblins’ names, but at least we’ve done a pretty thorough job of creating nicknames for them. That makes me feel warm inside, but that could just be the vodka. Continue reading

Project Runway Season 9 Recap: Girls On Stilts

Wasn’t it just a moment ago that Bryce was spared and Non-Gay Mormon Josh was sent packing? It seems like no time has passed at all and yet once again, Project Runway appears in homes, apartments, and gay bars across the land.

Ready to titillate, shock and confuse you are Heidi “Think Big, Really Big” Klum, Nina “It’s Terrible” Garcia, and Michael “Drama Doesn’t Mean Tacky” Kors. As always, there are spoilers inside, so click at your own peril. Continue reading

Project Runway Live Blog – Season 9, Episode 3

Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends.  We’re so glad you can attend. Come inside! Come inside!

It’s Thursday, and you know what that means? It’s the fourth day of the week, per Wikipedia! Oh, right, and a little program called Project Runway is back with a Brand! New! Episode! Tonight! Yay!

In case you haven’t been watching – shame on you! However, if you’ve been under a rock or in a coma these past few weeks, I’ll take mercy and give you a quickie recap:

The alleged “designers” have been given two challenges – one to make a look out of the clothes they’ve been wearing to bed and a bedsheet, and one where they had to make a look made out of pet store supplies. Both have resulted in a few abominations, a couple of good looks, and a closeted [totally not gay] Mormon got sent packing. A pity. Continue reading

Project Runway Season 9: Blood on the Runway

My little chickens, are we really back here again? How quickly the time flies from season to season. It seems like just yesterday that Mondo was robbed. Ah well. The pen, having written, moves on, and so do we. On the other hand, Miss Heidi cashed her check from the Lady Parts Network so she’s ready to crank up this production and watch the bodies fall. As always, recaps are chock full O spoilers, so read at your own peril.

Are we really “going to shake things up” again, just like we did last season? Well, not exactly like last season. This time Heidi exhibits serious Schadenfreude Face as she tells us that 20 designers were invited, 16 move to Atlas and 4 are eliminated before the first challenge. Continue reading