project runway all stars

22 posts

Project Runway All Stars: Delirious Delusion

Ke$ha sloshes onto the runway, her arms full of knockoff “designer” purses she bought from the trunk of a car parked outside of Parson’s. She brandishes these sweatshop creations and tells the sewtestants it’s time to pick a bag, any bag. Each designer picks a (cheap-looking) bag and inside, guess what! There’s a luggage tag with the name of a season on it.

Who got what? Austin and Kara will always have Spring, Michael and Jerell shiver in Winter. Kenley and Mondo sweat through Summer, and that leaves Mila and Rami with Autumn. Aww-tummmm, Ke$ha intones, sounding like one of those self-hypnosis tapes they used to sell at Waldenbooks. Turns out the two people in each “season” are competing against each other, so there will be a top 4 and a bottom 4. Are you even a little bit curiious about what happens next? If so, there’s more after the jump, but as always, there’s spoilers Continue reading

Project Runway All Stars: Minority Fashion Report

This week, Ke$ha waits for the designers in Central Park, skin glistening like a Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Small bits of krill and shrimp shells are hanging from her stringy locks as she tells the sewtestants that they have to accost random strangers and get them to hand over their clothes. As always, there are spoilers inside, so click at ya own risk!

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Project Runway All Stars Liveblog: This Episode Better Be An Improvement Over The Previous Two Edition

The last two episodes have been almost offensively bad. Who do these producers think they’re toying with? We Project Runway fans are legion. Or something. (Most Project Runway fans don’t even get that reference, do they? Except for us. Because we at Crasstalk are multi-faceted and brilliant and amazing etc etc etc.)

Have you seen the trailer for tonight’s episode? You should if you’re into sexy dudes taking their pants off in the middle of  a New York City park (in a flirty and not at all creepy way, of course). I’ll let you fan yourself over that. That little scene alone is better than the past two hours of Project Runway combined. Besides, we deserve a little bit of unbelievably-sexy-dude-in-really-just-the-hottest-pair-of-undies-ever after having to look at this monstrosity that Rami subjected us to. Rami! RAMI! How could you? Did you even look at this thing you created? What did we do to deserve this? Continue reading

Project Runway All Stars Season One: Running On Empty

This week, Ke$ha walks out on the runway and starts pimping the designer’s next client. Famous Fashionista. Turns Heads. She has worn Burberry and Prada. Is it Madonna? Is it J-Lo? Who? Who is she? It’s none other than Miss Piggy!

In shock and surprise, Austin’s moustachio falls off. Miss Sugarbaker’s mouth forms a round capital “O” and simply will not close. Jerrell loses another pound. Michael The Victim squeals quietly, then re-thinks his reaction.

One small detail before Ke$ha passes out at 10 am — the designers have the rest of the day to complete their design, and their models will walk the next morning. This is not a lot of time to design, shop, sew and finish a garment. As always, there are spoilers inside, so please, think of the children before reading on. Continue reading

Project Runway All Stars Liveblog: Miss Piggy Edition

It’s time for our weekly ritual of drinking by ourselves and pretending it’s OK because we’re totally, like, talking to people on the Internet about things! (Hahahaha weekly.) Tonight’s episode of Project Runway All Stars will have the inestimable Miss Piggy as a guest judge. Is it gimmicky? Sure. Does that mean it’s going to suck? Not necessarily! Look at how fashionable the U.S.’s greatest pig looks in this Prada gown (though I really think she could do without that hat)!

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Project Runway All Stars Season One: Thought Bubble Theatre

Now that the eldritch tendrils of Flying Spaghetti Monster Elisa Jimenez have been banished from the competition, it’s time to get serious. What could be more serious than a challenge to make a gown to wear to the opera? A “couture” gown, no less. In one day. Yes, a gown that normally takes weeks or months to painstakingly hand-sew, let’s slop one together in a few hours, shall we? As always, there’s spoilers, so read on at your own risk! Continue reading