The Mittstorm Cometh IV: The Clusterfcuk Home, C-Plus Augustus gets downgraded to a D-Minus, Rush Limbaugh moves to Santa Prisca, Conservative media fail, the Tennessee Tea Party has lost their goddamn mind, Filibuster reform, the fiscal cliff, and the Boy Scouts are a hate group. Continue reading
political sausage
31 posts
I just want all of you to know that I had to go to Glenn Beck’s personal mental hospital The Blaze to follow up on an article. Also, I am now bleeding from the eyes. So, thanks for that. Continue reading
Today’s post will be especially shrill. Continue reading
We’re raising the bar. Continue reading
We’re gonna have some fun today. Continue reading
Welcome to the suck. Continue reading
Xenophobia, racism, and Shepard Smith. Oh my! Continue reading