The radical right, white terrorism, what it feels like to be a liberal, today’s Big Pile of Mitt, Steve King and the Land Before We Had A Black President, the GOP’s War On Everything – the Voting front, nuns gone wild, and the GOP makes fun of the mentally handicapped.
First up, an article from Al-Jazeera, asking “Is the radical right on the rise in the US?” To this I reply, “No shit, Sherlock.” In 2009 the Department of Homeland Security warned of the rise of right-wing groups fueled by a struggling economy and the election of the country’s first Black President. Congressional Republicans freaked the fuck out and had it pulled, because God forbid anyone in charge of an element of national security acknowledge the fact that there are some crazy people out there, and while crazy liberals tend to do things like chain themselves to giant redwoods or stage a sit-in in lower Manhattan, crazy conservatives stock up on firearms for the coming race war and blow up federal office buildings.
No More Mr. Nice Blog takes down Conor Friedersdorf, who asks if there will be a counter terrorism crackdown on whites, by responding that the issue isn’t whites, it’s right wing whites, and that we have met the enemy and they are us.
Speaking of which, the Booman Tribune kicks off today’s Big Pile of Mitt with this critique of Romney’s apparently micron-thick skin, by comparing his treatment to that of, say, a certain prominent African American Leader of the Free World.
Mitt Romney isn’t really a Mormon. He’s an atheist who only went along with his father’s faith so he could duck the Vietnam draft. He didn’t actually try to convert anyone when he was in France either. In reality, he spent all his time in Monte Carlo gambling and buying high-end hookers. When his daddy found out what he was doing, he made him come home and marry his high school sweetheart. Actually, he only made him marry her after the second time she got pregnant. The first time, they got an abortion. Then Romney started using some of the mafia connections he had made in Marseilles to import heroin. By the time he became governor, they were flying it straight into a secret airport they set up in the Berkshires. When one of the pilots started to talk, Romney had him killed.
Now, if we started telling these stories to people, and a substantial percentage of the population started to actually believe these stories, and if congressmen humored and even encouraged the people who believed these stories, and if media figures talked about these stories, and if Congress actually had hearings about some of these stories, then Mitt Romney would know what it’s like to be treated like a Democrat.
In other Big Pile of Mitt news, Romney spokesperson Andrea Saul commented on the PrioritiesUSA ad which features an interview with a man who lost his job because Bain Capital, Romney’s former company, closed his plant, which cost him his insurance which eventually cost his wife her life, by saying that had the man and his wife been living in Massachusetts under Romneycare, they would have been just fine.
This, of course, is apostasy, as President Obama’s healthcare law, the PPACA, is based heavily on Romney’s healthcare plan in Massachusetts, which Romney himself has all but absolved himself of due to the similarities between the two.
The Atlantic’s Conor Freidersdorf is one of the Daily Sausage’s favorite commenters, and is linked to often. However, even he is occasionally wrong. In this article, he discusses how the President’s drone program gives him a much higher bodycount than Governor Romney’s, and the apparent cognitive dissonance of Obama supporters attacking Mitt Romney for being culpable in the death of innocent people.
Allow me to retort.
At Bain Capital, Mitt Romney saddled businesses with debt, liquidated their assets, and ensured that he and his friends would become very, very wealthy as a result of the tremendous human suffering they were causing.
President Obama authorized the use of drone strikes as President of the United States to take out suspected terrorists when the use of human operators would be dangerous and unnecessary.
So, if we’re comparing body counts, yes, the President’s is higher. However, if we’re comparing purpose, you have duty to country versus greed and avarice, and that comparison isn’t even close. Regardless of whether you agree with the drone strikes or not, the fact of the matter is that they are in service to a much higher calling than the pursuit of material wealth.
Speaking of body counts, Mitt Romney raised the initial funding for Bain Capital and his 2008 Presidential camapign from a group of wealthy South American families that may also have been funding death squads in Central America.
Also, Mitt Romney revived Texas Governor Rick Perry’s “war on religion” in a new ad. If Mitt, Rick, and the rest of the fundies want to see a real war on religion, a platoon of US Marines could conquer Vatican City within 24 hours.
Let’s flashback for a second to last summer. The Democratic party was in disarray after the debt ceiling debacle and succumbing to the GOP’s hostage demands. The GOP was eating their lunch. Today, Harry Reid is making the presumptive Republican nominee for President squeal like a stuck pig, Obama and Congressional Democrats are holding the line, and the GOP is becoming increasingly fractures over their War On Everything. This is the story of how the Democrats got their groove back.
Next up, frequent object of ridicule Representative Steve King wants to sue the Obama Administration over the recent decision to stop enforcing deportations of undocumented immigrants, and introduce a bill that would repeal everything that President Obama has signed into law.
With all do respect, Steve King is talking out of his ass, and if the good people of Iowa had any sense at all, they would relegate this disgrace of a politician back to his farmland compound to stockpile handguns and Spam.
And now, the latest news from the Voting front in the GOP’s War On Everything. Senator Scott Brown is complaining that the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is attempting to register approximately 500,00 welfare recipients after being sued for being out of compliance with the 1993 National Voter Registration Act. The reason? Elizabeth Warren’s daughter is the chairwoman of one of the groups that sued Massachusetts.
In case you’re wondering why the GOP opened up the Voting front in the War On Everything, it’s because, according to John Fund, the GOP has an advantage if they restrict in-person voting rather than absentee voting. Moreover, he makes the argument with Hans von Spakovsky in a new book that it “makes perfect sense” for Ohio to allow members of the military, but not anyone else, to vote up to three days before the election.
Right now, according to Nate Silver’s excellent Five Thirty Eight blog, President Obama has a 72.5% chance of winning re-election. That means that if Mitt Romney is going to have any hope of winning the Presidency, he has to retake ground the GOP lost in 2008. That means winning Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida, and making a play for Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan.
Even a rock solid choice as VP won’t help him; New Mexico’s Susan Martinez is the most well-liked of all the candidates, and she couldn’t carry New Mexico for Romney. McDonnell (Virginia), Rubio/Bush (Florida), and Portman (Ohio) wouldn’t bump the ticket enough for Romney to win any of those states outright.
Basically, the GOP is out of options. The electoral math has swung against them nationally, putting the Presidency out of their reach, barring a massive meltdown from the President.
If you’re wondering why, this could be it: a Republican county official in Pennsylvania told the following joke last night.
“I was very embarrassed. I was in this parking lot and there was a man looking for a space to park, and I found a space for him. And I felt badly — he looked like he was sort of in distress. And I said, ‘Sir, here’s a place.’ And he said, ‘That’s a handicapped space.’ I said, ‘Oh I’m so sorry, I saw that Obama sticker and I thought you were mentally retarded.’”
Yes, because making fun of the mentally and physically handicapped is a great way to capture the “Not A Raging Asshole” vote.