photo phriday

45 posts

Photo Phriday: Want to hop in the sack?

Welcome to the almost-but-not-really Tax Day edition of PhotoFriday. I’m Pssshwhatever and I’ll be your host for this week’s installment, which is all about handbags. Or your bed. Whichever.

I have a weird fashion industry job that I shouldn’t really be able to get paid for doing, and in my particular case, that means handbags indirectly pay my rent. And then sometimes they make it difficult to pay said rent, as was the case the month that I made the inadvisable purchase of the Celine tote that you see at the top of the page. So ladies, show us your handbags – your favorite one, the one you carry everyday, the backpack that you take to class. Surprise us.

Menfolk: You’re not excluded either. Show us your wallets, briefcases (I’m going to be extremely impressed if any of you actually own leather briefcases) or laptop bags. Hell, even your gym bag, if it’s worth showing. I will kindly ask that you not show us your balls. (Sorry, Gooch.) That’s not the kind of sack I’m talking about.

Or, alternately, show us a different kind of sack – your bed. That is my extremely cheap Target (it’s Dwell for Target, thankyouverymuch) comforter in the background; I felt it only right that as your host, I go for the double-whammy.

A note on posting images:

Upload your picture to a service like Flickr, Picasa or TinyPic and make sure that you have it set as a publicly viewable file. Right-click on the picture (or for Mac users, do the two-finger tap) and select “Copy Image URL” or whatever similar option the menu gives you. Then, paste that URL into the designated space of the code below:

Or, if you would rather have something that you can actually copy:

[img src=”IMAGE URL HERE”]

Replace the [ with a < and the ] with a >.

Et voila, y’all.

PhotoPhriday: The Blackout Edition

Citizens, crasstalkers, cat ladies. It’s time for our weekly ramble through each others’ lives, made possible through the magic of the internets. In keeping with our boozy theme today, I want to see your alcohol. All of it. Do you have a single beer in the fridge? If that’s the case, shame on you. Bad, bad cat lady (those in recovery are, of course, forgiven). Do you have a fully stocked bar that would put most watering holes to shame? (Of course you do.) Do you keep a bottle of bourbon in a hollowed out book in your office? Show it to me. For those of you who are new, or live in open threads, here are the rules and here are your instructions (taken and modified from earlier PP posts):

  • This is the magic computer code you use to make pictures appear: 
    • <img src=”” />.
  • And it’s a URL, not photo file.  Crasstalk doesn’t accept files from your hard drive – only from the Internet. You can upload your photo to Facebook, Flickr, TinyPic, or any other online photo hosting site to generate a URL for the photo. For many of those LOLcats/dogs/monkeys I can’t seem to quit foisting on all of you, I use ImageShack or imgur
  • Also, be sure to add a few words of text with your picture so it doesn’t get tripped up in the site’s spam filter.
  • To pick up an image online, right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image and select “View Image” or “Copy Image URL/Location.” Copy-and-paste the URL and plug it into the img src html code.

Get to it, kids. And remember, drunk posting is always encouraged.

In return, we will be sympathetic tomorrow.

Photo Phriday: Sole Searching

Shoes. We all wear them. Although we might prefer to go shoeless much of the time, the realities of city streets, real jobs, and public bathroom cleanliness force us to slide our poor feet into something that forms a protective layer between them and the rest of the world.

Some of us get by on the merest sliver of rubber separating our soles and the pavement, while others encase our toes in steel and leather. Some of us teeter perilously on sky-high, hairpin-thin heels. Some of us don’t give a shit and wear Crocs. I don’t know what some of us were doing here:

What we put on our feet says a lot about us. Our shoes may be utilitarian or wildly impractical. Shoes are a terrific expression of our sartorial style, often serving as the reverse of the proverbial cherry on top of a sundae – a little wink and a smile far away from our faces. But they also tell tales of our purpose and intentions, of where we have been and where we might be heading.

Whether you collect them, covet them or abuse them, we want to see them. Show us your shoes.

(NOTE: just don’t use the word “shoes” in your reply. It trips up in the spam filter. Kthxsmooches.)

Just follow these helpful tips for image sharing, adapted from previous Photo Phriday instructions:

  • This is the magic computer code you use to make pictures appear: [img src=”PHOTO URL HERE”]. NOTE: Replace the brackets with the carrots < >.
  • And it’s a URL, not photo file.  Crasstalk doesn’t accept files from your hard drive – only from the Internet. You can upload your photo to Facebook, Flickr, TinyPic, or any other online photo hosting site to generate a URL for the photo.
  • Also, be sure to add a few words of text with your picture so it doesn’t get tripped up in the site’s spam filter.
  • To pick up an image online, right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image and select “View Image.” Copy-and-paste the URL and plug it into the img src html code.
  • To upload the picture you found, this is what you type (again, replacing the brackets with the greater than and less than symbols < >):

[img src=””]


PhotoPhriday: May the Phorce Be With You

A long time ago, on a web site far, far down in page views, a group of rebel commenters won an early victory against the evil Dentonian Empire. Breaking the fourth wall, they began sharing personal photos, first of their homes, then of themselves. As the Death Gawk imploded, crushed under the weight of a giant Trident ad, the rebels fled to far corners of the Internet, finding safe harbor on a host planet, Crasstalk. A new hope was born, and with it, an urge to strengthen the alliance through photo sharing.

That’s right kids, on both counts: I’m a closet nerd and it is PhotoPhriday! Tonight’s theme: geeking out. What makes you a nerd? Something you read? Something you collect? What are you currently geeking out over?

Uploading pictures takes a simple Jedi mind trick, since there is no insert picture option in WordPress.

Just follow these helpful tips, adapted from previous PhotoPhriday instructions:

  • This is the magic computer code you use to make pictures appear: [img src=”PHOTO URL HERE”]. NOTE: Replace the brackets with the carrots < >.
  • And it’s a URL, not photo file.  Crasstalk doesn’t accept files from your hard drive – only from the Internet. You can upload your photo to Facebook, Flickr, TinyPic, or any other online photo hosting site to generate a URL for the photo.
  • Also, be sure to add a few words of text with your picture so it doesn’t get tripped up in the site’s spam filter.
  • To pick up an image online, right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image of Carrie Fisher When She Was Hot and select “View Image.” Copy-and-paste the URL and plug it into the img src html code.
  • To upload the picture of Carrie Fisher When She Was Hot you found, this is what you type (again, replacing the brackets with the greater than and less than symbols < >):

[img src=””]

So hop to it, nerds! Show us your shame.

Photo Phriday: Road Trip!

Welcome to the second installment of Crasstalk Photo Phriday. Tonight we’re going on a road trip. Let’s see your pictures of:

  • Roadside attractions
  • Funny signs made by foreigners
  • Creepy Rob Zombie-esque desert hickvilles
  • Cars with hundreds of tchotchkes glued to the hood (not actually Tchotchke glued to the hood, hopefully)
  • Genuinely beautiful roadside landscapes
  • Those hitchikers that God told you to murder back in the cold, cold winter of 81

And since we usually do an alternate subject for those of you who don’t have ANY pictures from ANY road trip you EVER took (can you see me rolling my eyes, because I am), how about just post an interesting photo from any trip you took anywhere.

Here are instructions for how to post your pictures in the comments:

  • This is the magic computer code you use to make pictures appear: <img src=”PHOTO URL HERE“>
  • And it’s “photo URL“, not “photo file.” See, Crasstalk is a stubborn mistress, and she doesn’t accept gifts from your hard drive–only from the internet. Upload your photo to Facebook, Flickr, TinyPic, or any other online photo hosting site.
  • Or, if it’s something of which there’s more than one in the world, you might wanna just see if there’s a picture of your chosen knickknack online somewhere.
  • So for instance, let’s say I want to share with you all a photo of, oh, I dunno, my stepdad. But I don’t have any photos on my computer of him, and he’s out getting wasted again at the Applebee’s bar. Luckily, I find a picture of him online and insert it like so:

<img src=”“ />

  • I go to the site in question, browse new pics for about a half hour (optional), subscribe to the site’s RSS feed (also optional), and then find the image of my dad. I right-click the picture (Ctrl-click, if I’m on a Mac) and select “View Image.” A new page appears, with just my photo on it! Oh boy.  Now all I do is copy-and-paste the URL and plug it into the img src html code. Voilà!