PhotoPhriday started on a whim: while chatting in Crosstalk on TSTSNBN, I suggested we share pictures of our personal living spaces. A few people were game (if memory serves, Matty McBoy’s reply was, “I’m game”) and the photo sharing began.
We had such a good time peeking into the lives of our friends and neighbors that we turned it into a real game. Since then, we’ve shared pictures of ourselves, our shame, our art, our travels. Best of all, it is a great way to get to know the amazing people with whom we share our online time.
The rules are few:
- Pictures are for sharing, not for snarking. No judgement, no jerks.
- Each week, there is a theme and a host. The host selects the theme.
- To host on Crasstalk, you must have an author account and you must write a short post about the theme. This should be done no later than Thursday evening and set to “pending” so the admins can schedule it to be published on Friday.
- If you are new to our community and are a commenter, but do not have an author account, be patient. Hang out, comment, and participate in PhotoPhriday and on other threads. Once we know you, you have a better chance of being asked to host.
- Hosting duties rotate. The current host selects the following week’s host from among those participating in PhotoPhriday. You aren’t obligated to host, but it is really easy!
- If there is no host, one of the admins or I will jump in for a week. If you host and can’t find someone who agrees to do it for the next week, please let me know. You can contact me at [email protected].
- If you don’t want to “out” yourself, be sure to remove personal details before taking and uploading a picture. Please don’t out others: don’t post pictures of other people, their children, or anyone who may not want to have their mug on the Internet.
- No NSFW photos. Sorry, pervs.
- Instructions for how to upload and share a picture should be included in each PhotoPhriday theme post.
Oh, and the spelling? It is one word, no space, because it had to work as a tag on the old site: #photophriday (#pourafortyonthefloor), and it is misspelled because I was trying to be cute. Now we’re stuck with it and every time I see it, I think, “phuck.”
This week’s host is DogsOfWar. He dropped no hints about the theme, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be about clouds.