
3 posts

Weekend in Review: Hangout Fest

Hangout-Fest-1s Hands down music festivals are my favorite type of concert (well, except for the FREE concerts featuring an artist you actually like). You spend one chunk of money for multiple days of music. If we go way back to 1997, my first concert was also a festival, albeit it only lasted one day. My next few experiences with festivals was as an employee. For Jazz Fest and Essence Fest in New Orleans and then a few years later for Lollapalooza in Chicago. Continue reading

Kanye West Concert Review

kanye panorama
During “All of the Lights” Kanye told everyone to shine their cell phone lights and I was able to capture this cool shot.

Kanye West played the New Orleans Arena on December 5th and I was lucky enough to attend this concert so you won’t have to. I won’t lie, the $59 ticket price tag along with opener Kendrick Lamar are two factors that heavily contributed to my decision to purchase a ticket. I never know when to show up for a concert that isn’t a festival, so after work that day, I browsed the internet to find out if there was an act going on before Kendrick Lamar. No concert review for this even had a mention of Kanye’s opener, but I did find out that his set list was a staggering 28 songs long. “Great,” I thought, “I’m not getting home until the middle of the night.” Continue reading

Concert Review: Feist

Singer-songwriter Feist played at Chicago’s Riviera Theater on November 4. Never before have I been to a concert that made me want to fall asleep until this one. Despite being a little tired from the week, I was ready to rock.

In every other concert I’ve been to the headliner usually comes out with one of their faster songs to get the crowd ready to jam out for the next hour or so. Not so with Feist. She played a slow song followed by another slow song and then another and another and it went on like that for the next 45 minutes until she played “My Moon, My Man” from her 2007 album The Reminder. Standing in the middle of the middle level would seem like an ideal place to take advantage of a venues acoustics, but this was not so with this concert. Continue reading