
3 posts

Reflections On Being A Victim Advocate

Last September marked the second year of my volunteer work as a victim advocate with my town’s sexual and domestic violence center. It took me two years to gather the courage to apply, but the training and experience has been invaluable. I’ve learned a lot about people, their coping mechanisms, their values, and what they may need from me. I’ve also learned how to set healthy boundaries, how to practice self-care, and what loving myself means to me. Continue reading

Introducing the MLK Day of Sale

As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, some of us may ponder what his legacy to our country and by extension our world should be. How do we honor a man who is more than a figure of the civil rights movement, and an advocate for nonviolence, but a symbol of racial discourse in this country and around the world whose impact transcends the era in which he lived, and to that end, an observance of who we should strive to be in the way in which we respect, honor, and treat each other domestically and globally?

Should we honor him and his message within the sale pages of our local retailer? Continue reading

Be More Awesome: Volunteer

Some of the most illustrious, talented people to grace this earth have walked the halls of Northwestern University: Dick Gephardt, the drummer from Arcade Fire, the girl from Father of the Bride and Father of the Bride II: Martin Short Is a Crazy Foreign Gay Man!, me.  But perhaps my most important and influential fellow alumnus is none other than Stephen Colbert.  Colbert returned to campus a few weeks ago to give the university’s commencement speech. Continue reading