OMG, still so full…
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May you have a peaceful, filling, and grateful holiday, Frans.
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Let us be thankful. Continue reading
Happy Turkey Day! Hope you are all safe and well fed. Continue reading
Serenity now, or maybe later. Continue reading
Let’s be thankful. Continue reading
Say hi to your racist uncle for me! Continue reading
Ditch your bottle of Cabernet and oaky, buttery Chardonnay for Thanksgiving. Most do not have the proper acidity for Thanksgiving feasting. Trying to find wines that that please a variety of palates that marry well with the broad array of foods at a typical Thanksgiving table sounds like a challenge. I’m here to make it easier, but you will probably need to open your mind to other varietals. Continue reading
Look at how thankful those bears are. Continue reading
The time of the foodening is at hand! Gorge on the flesh of big dumb birds! Eat weird crap your mom makes once a year! Pretend the pie your weird co-worker brings to the holiday potluck is not repulsive! If you have any good recipes, or cooking stories, share them. I’ll start us off with a cranberry bread recipe. Continue reading