Comment of the Week

36 posts

How Now Crasstalk COW

Good Friday to you, Crasstalkers! It was an eventful week. On Sunday some of you watched the Golden Globes. Monday was Martin Luther King Day; some Crasstalkers had to work, some of you had off and all of you wondered why this holiday was an occasion to have a sale. The GOP traveling circus continued to be an endless source of amusement. On Wednesday you supported the protesting of SOPA. You cringed as the details of the Costa Concordia shipwreck came into focus. Through it all, you brought the funny. Let’s examine the evidence, shall we? Continue reading

Crasstalk COW: Oh, The Horror

Admittedly, Crasstalkers, I’m cheating a little bit, and writing this up on a Thursday night. Hey, a witch has to hold down a job to, you know.

The sad side-effect of this is that I’m watching Rachel Maddow right now, wondering how someone who has as much money and notoriety as Michael Moore can’t get himself a decent friggin’ haircut. Seriously, it’s like a rat’s nest that got hit by a tornado and then put through the spin cycle. Ugh.

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