Crasstalk COW: A Conservative Approach

Happy Friday, fellow Crasstalkers! Another outstanding week around these parts, which, admittedly, helps make my job plenty easy enough.

Also making my job easier is the fact that there was yet ANOTHER GOP debate this past Tuesday. Those folks really like to get on TV and yell about stuff, don’t they?

That’s where I’d like to start this week, the debate. Honestly, I could probably just verbatim quote some of these geniuses running for President, and it would top anything we’ve come up with over the last year. One commenter had a very astute comparison between the candidates and a, well, slightly more graphic drama.

I still haven’t figured out the answer to that question.

Another thing I can’t figure out? Why the world would need Beyonce impersonators.

I honestly don’t know what to do with those, but they were too silly not to share.

In fairness, Beyonce is worth imitating, I suppose. She does have an amazing booty, though nothing that can compare with this:

Tip o’ the hat to Jenna for setting that up, I just couldn’t fit it in the crop.

One of the things I love about Crasstalk is that although the commentariat is that although it’s certainly more liberal leaning, we do try to incorporate all opinions in one way or another. This week, we even made a new friend, when discussing the identity of the actress who is suing

Yes, yes it is.

However, my favorite moment of the week came on Mom’s on Thursday News Post, which presented some more ‘conservative’ news sources, with their take on the day’s stories. That led to this:

Honestly, I’m not even going to pick a winner. It just wouldn’t be fair to any of them. Well done, all.

Again, thank you to everyone for your submissions, and for putting all this great stuff out there. Remember, nominations can always come to [email protected].


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