
29 posts

Christmas Cats TV Is the Best Thing on the Internet

xmascatstvEight cats, one saucy grandma and one elf. That is the formula for internet magic. Christmas Cats TV is the magical cat nip that brings all the cat ladies to the yard.

Here’s how it works, you tweet them things @ChristmasCatsTV and then they do them.

The cats are also up for adoption, because why else would they be pimping them online? The cats all live at Howard Stern‘s favorite charity, North Shore Animal League.

Fafa loves you! Continue reading

Sandra Lee Makes the Most Disgusting Things for Christmas!

Thanks to fabulous Crasstalk Commenter, Gooch, I happened upon a YouTube well of insane and fell right in. Oh, yes, the things discovered here are of magnanimous, indescribable hilarity, mixed with a boozy, crazy disgusting filled topping. I give to you the Christmas-themed treats cooked up by Sandra Lee of the Food Network show, Semi-Homemade, which is some sort of cuisine purgatory where truly abhorrent canned goods and smallish amounts of homemade ingredients collide in a crap sack of inedible mania served with a smile and a straight face. Continue reading

What’s the Best Version of “A Christmas Carol”?

There have been somewhere between four and five thousand tv and film versions of “A Christmas Carol.” I’m not going through all of them, because I have junk to do and presents to wrap, but this is a brief guide to some of the best and worst of them.

If you mention “A Christmas Carol” to your grandparents, this is the one they think of. For a lot of people, this is the definitive version.

Continue reading

Family Christmas Traditions

What are your annual family Christmas traditions? If you don’t have a family, have you created your own Christmas traditions?

My family is not one to invest a lot of energy into “doing things”, if you know what I mean.   It didn’t bother me so much as a child, but as an adult I’m frequently exasperated at how much cajoling and convincing it takes to get my family to expend energy on anything that’s outside their expected routine.  This year, for instance, will be the first time that everybody will be present – to include me! – in the same house, at the same time, in several years due to my recent multi-year tour through Southwest Asia. As we were planning the get together this year I suggested we should do a White Elephant gift exchange instead of a more traditional gift exchange, owing to the shitty economy and the fact we’re all (blessedly) employed adults who frankly don’t need more stuff.  No money spent and you get rid of crap laying around your house!  What’s not to like?  But oh my lord the anxiety at discussing trying something new . . . Continue reading