I’ve come to realize I will misplace, forget, or quickly use up a supposedly reasonable supply of something once it becomes important to me and is invariably discontinued or missing at a dire moment. It’s made me a collector, even something of a pack rat. Continue reading
Getting tired of hearing Alvin and the Chipmunks, The Oak Ridge Boys, Bing Crosby and Andy Williams? Need to spice up your Christmas playlists? Here are five selections guaranteed to wake everyone out of a Christmas cookie induced coma when they pop up on your iPod. Continue reading
Thirty-seven years ago this morning, Sir Tone was walking towards his office on Music Row in Nashville when he heard one of Elvis’ side men yell out “You hear Elvis is dead?”
Sir Tone: “Drugs?”
Side Man: “Yeah.”
The mere mention of Elvis’ name is enough to throw Sir Tone into a fury. The primary reason black blues musicians and early pop recording artists never got their due, Sir Tone says. Not half so good a musician as a multitude of them, never wrote a song of his own and most egregious of all, failed even to acknowledge his debt to the Delta black music his baby self breathed in along with its white country and church music. Continue reading