Sex and Relationships

151 posts

The Narrative of Marriage – The Paths of Marriage Series

websiteheader_nowavailable2_smallThis is the final post of the series that examines topics from the perspective of the characters in the upcoming novel, The Paths of Marriage which will be for sale starting 1 October 2014.

“The Narrative of Marriage” is written from the point of view of the character, Pooja Deva.

Kids these days have no filter. Especially the hipsters. In fact, I believe one of their favorite hashtags is quite literally #nofilter. It’s ridiculous.

Many of those #nofilter hipster students of mine have somehow decided it’s okay to pry into the personal life of their professor (me) in lieu of researching traffic circles for their next Intro to Urban Studies assignment. So, in an effort to get the legions of intro students to put down their iPhones and pay attention to my brilliance, here is one aspect of the answer to that insufferably complicated question:

“Why did you agree to have an arranged marriage?”

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Implicit Outings on Facebook – The Paths of Marriage Series

websiteheader_nowavailable2_smallThis is the final post of the series that examines topics from the perspective of the characters in the upcoming novel, The Paths of Marriage which will be for sale starting 1 October 2014.

“The Implicit Outings of Facebook” is written from the point of view of the character, Deepa Deva.

Why hello there!

I’ve been on Facebook for a decade. Yes, a decade. Considering social media companies have used Facebook as the beacon of all things new age tech company is a total a mind boggler; when did it become standard that a company about ten years old has one of the longest histories in one of the most lucrative industries in the world? Continue reading

How To Break Up With Someone (and Leave Them Smiling)

640px-SixFlagsmagicMountain (crop)Celia was the most beautiful woman I ever got close to. She grew up in Cambodia and loved to wear elegant clothes. She was always exquisitely put together — way overdressed for the bank job we both had.

I also never heard Celia laugh. Not once — she just wasn’t a mirthful person. Think of how unusual that is: to not know the sound of your partner’s laugh. Continue reading

Lingerie That is Strong Enough for a Man

For most men, the sensual pleasures of lingerie will never be fully appreciated. They will never enjoy the feeling of silken undergarments against their skin or know the joy of dressing to excite a lover. No, for most men, their exposure to lingerie is limited to an annual holiday—Valentine’s Day—and the secondhand enjoyment of seeing their significant other in something lacy. Continue reading

Five Concrete Steps to Getting Out of Your Life Rut and Meeting Someone

There’s a time in your twenties when you’re out of college and working but not quite into full blown 401k worrying and yelling at kids on your lawn adulthood. This can be a time when a person really accelerates their life or gets bogged down in a rut. Based on personal experience here are the five concrete (though not necessarily easy) steps to getting out of that rut. Though these are focused on the menfolk, because that’s where my experience is, they would apply to the ladies to some extent if the pronouns were switched. Continue reading