
170 posts

Photo Phriday Saturday Weekend

As most of you know, we usually have a post every Friday night where we all overshare pictures around a central theme. That is, we did. Until this week when we forgot all about it. Sorry about that. Things have been a little hectic around here. So in the spirit of better late than never we are presenting our first Photo Saturday.

It’s all pretty simple. Here are the rules, and here are the Dogs of War Photo Tips.

To put a picture into a comment you will need to host the image somewhere. Personally, Imgur has worked well for me, but you can get them from anywhere. A warning that photos hosted on Facebook should probably be saved elsewhere. Facebook’s new image viewer makes it very hard to get to the actual photo. Images you have on another site need to be the actual image file and not the page that contains them. The files in in .jpg, .png, .gif or something like that.

In the comment box tell us a little something about the picture and then include a link as follows.

<img src=”” />

If you don’t include any text with your image then it will be put in the approval queue and a mod will have to approve it.

This week’s theme was suggested by Bens, who pretty much always has good ideas. For this week pick your favorite piece of music art. It can be an album cover, a poster, or a t-shirt. It can be your favorite record or band, or can have some sentimental value. Load the picture and give us a little explanation of why you like it. Here are two of my favorite albums from high school and they both have the kind of punk rock art work that I loved.

I was cooler than all of you in high school. Anyway, share yours in the comments. Again, sorry for the oversight.


Light Rock Wars: The Battle Continues

Hi gang. So it looks that some of you are still ready to bring on the soft rock pain. However, the other post is so full of videos that it is difficult to load and navigate. To make this easier I am going to open this new thread so people can continue to play. All previous entries and points will be considered in the final judging which will be tomorrow night.

Remember, the rules are simple.

Post the most teeth-grindingly bad light rock videos you can find. Your peers and fellow competitors will vote (by fonzing) for the most awful videos.Bonus points for home-made videos that add an extra layer of fail.

The tool of victory

At the end of the weekend the video with the most fonz points wins all of the internet gold and bad taste bragging rights. Here are a couple stand out videos from yesterday’s round.

Good luck warriors!!

Light Rock Wars!

Well happy Friday gang. Today we are playing a game that is only for the strongest and bravest of Crasstalkers. Welcome to Light Rock Wars, I hope you all make it out alive.

The rules are simple. Post the most teeth-grindingly bad light rock videos you can find. Your peers and fellow competitors will vote (by fonzing) for the most awful videos.Bonus points for home-made videos that add an extra layer of fail.

The tool of victory

At the end of the day the video with the most fonz points wins all of the internet gold and bad taste bragging rights. Here are a couple videos to get you started.

WARNING: Light Rock Wars is not for the weak. Only the ruthless will triumph.

Flashback Friday: Big Hair Edition

These were decidedly not heady times for music. It was pop crap wrapped in leather jackets, cut-up jeans, and topped off with Aqua net fueled hair. We should be ashamed of ourselves, really. But we aren’t. We were young and stupid and the higher the hair, the closer to (rock) Gods.

Someone who should be ashamed of himself is Brett Michaels. Ditch the bandana, dude. You’re not fooling anyone.

How many guys lost their virginity to this video? And by lost their virginity, I don’t mean with another person. No matter where she is now, Tawny Kitaen will forever be the “hot chick from the Whitesnake video.”

Hump Day

Hi gang. Hope you are having a great week, and maybe even have a shot at getting laid. Here is your Hump Day thread to get you going. As always no Penii, vag, or lady nips. I am sure your filthy little imagination will take care of that anyway.

Well hello there!


And for the lady lovers.

She totally wants you, I can tell.

Have a great day.


Time For A Rousing Game Of Who Am I!

I am the saddest, loneliest spinster in Hollywood. In history. Who am I?

Okay funsters, it’s snowing in Spring and the week is dragging on. It’s time to bring drag out the bored games. WHO AM I?     Okay, now you go…and remember we are experts at this game, so do some brainstorming. And no cheating, cheaters!


*Top Photo- I enjoy bath houses, airports & wigs. Who am I?

Photo Phriday: Sole Searching

Shoes. We all wear them. Although we might prefer to go shoeless much of the time, the realities of city streets, real jobs, and public bathroom cleanliness force us to slide our poor feet into something that forms a protective layer between them and the rest of the world.

Some of us get by on the merest sliver of rubber separating our soles and the pavement, while others encase our toes in steel and leather. Some of us teeter perilously on sky-high, hairpin-thin heels. Some of us don’t give a shit and wear Crocs. I don’t know what some of us were doing here:

What we put on our feet says a lot about us. Our shoes may be utilitarian or wildly impractical. Shoes are a terrific expression of our sartorial style, often serving as the reverse of the proverbial cherry on top of a sundae – a little wink and a smile far away from our faces. But they also tell tales of our purpose and intentions, of where we have been and where we might be heading.

Whether you collect them, covet them or abuse them, we want to see them. Show us your shoes.

(NOTE: just don’t use the word “shoes” in your reply. It trips up in the spam filter. Kthxsmooches.)

Just follow these helpful tips for image sharing, adapted from previous Photo Phriday instructions:

  • This is the magic computer code you use to make pictures appear: [img src=”PHOTO URL HERE”]. NOTE: Replace the brackets with the carrots < >.
  • And it’s a URL, not photo file.  Crasstalk doesn’t accept files from your hard drive – only from the Internet. You can upload your photo to Facebook, Flickr, TinyPic, or any other online photo hosting site to generate a URL for the photo.
  • Also, be sure to add a few words of text with your picture so it doesn’t get tripped up in the site’s spam filter.
  • To pick up an image online, right click (or ctrl-click on a Mac) on an image and select “View Image.” Copy-and-paste the URL and plug it into the img src html code.
  • To upload the picture you found, this is what you type (again, replacing the brackets with the greater than and less than symbols < >):

[img src=””]


Flashback Friday: YO! CRASSTALK RAPS

I know most of you are nursing your St. Patrick’s Day hangover so why not make it better with a little Gin and Juice, laaaaaaaaid back. Yo! MTV Raps was a groundbreaking show where real rap aired on MTV for 2 hours a day. Meaning, that was the only time MTV aired rap videos. Weird, right? Doctor Dre (not that one) and Ed Lover hosted, with Fab Five Freddy taking over the mic on the weekends (thanks, Death_by_SnuSnu). Let’s all do the Ed Lover dance:

We lost a hip hop star this week (not to East Coast, West Coast beef). Nate Dogg was part if the West Coast crew under Dr. Dre (that one) and known for his collaborations. Here’s a nice write-up about him. RIP Nate Dogg. Pour some out for him, homies.

Flashback Friday: Rock Out with Your **** Out

Queen. Pat Benatar. AC/DC. Def Leppard. They rocked us so hard we strained our necks hand-banging along AND our vocal chords trying to hit those high notes while screaming at the top of our lungs.

I have a distinct memory of singing “Cum on feel the noize” while swinging as high as I could on the swingset at school. I did not know how the name of the song was spelled (and neither did my mom).

Then of course, there’s badass Joan Jett. I used to roller skate my ass off to this song.

Break out the black concert tee, your ripped jeans and let’s rock it out!

Upcoming FBF themes:
Boy bands
Hip Hop
Hair bands
Lady R&B supergroups
Party music…Stay tuned!