Happy almost weekend Crasstalk. Today seems like the perfect day to play another round of Guilty Pleasures. Don’t worry, your silly username protects your real identity, so no one has to know how bad your taste really is. This week let’s talk about bad TV. Continue reading
guilty pleasures
Let’s just go ahead and pretend it is beach reading season since the weather has been crappy in so many places the last couple weeks.
Hi gang. Hope you have had a great day and are ready for a wonderful evening. Since we were talking about bad TV today I am going to share some of my favorite 70s cheese.
Have a great night.
Welcome back Crasstalk. Hope you had a wonderful weekend and are ready for an exciting week around here. I am pleased to announce the winners of this weekend’s epic Light Rock Wars. The competition was bloody and hard fought, but two winners emerged.
From the Saturday and Sunday Thread, NurseWretched played this masterful choice:
Excruciating, simply excruciating. However, the winner from the first day and the
overwhelming winner over all goes to bbqcornnuts who made us all suffer through this:
Congrats to both of these ladies, and to all of you who spent the weekend searching
for Michael Bolton clips on You Tube.
Have a great day.
Well happy Friday gang. Today we are playing a game that is only for the strongest and bravest of Crasstalkers. Welcome to Light Rock Wars, I hope you all make it out alive.
The rules are simple. Post the most teeth-grindingly bad light rock videos you can find. Your peers and fellow competitors will vote (by fonzing) for the most awful videos.Bonus points for home-made videos that add an extra layer of fail.

At the end of the day the video with the most fonz points wins all of the internet gold and bad taste bragging rights. Here are a couple videos to get you started.
WARNING: Light Rock Wars is not for the weak. Only the ruthless will triumph.