Jenna Maroney

62 posts
My outside is shiny and pretty, but my inside is filled with cardboard and horse glue. I've solved my identity crisis!

Chris Evans, Panic Attacks, and The Problem of Being a Movie Star

Chris_Evans_Gage_SkidmoreWhat happens when your standardly handsome, not-particularly-memorable movie star–the type that comes a dime a dozen in the plastic bubble of the entertainment industry–turns out to be self-aware?

Chris Evans, star of superhero film franchises like “Captain America” and the fragrance campaign for Gucci Guilty, has built a career on his all-American good looks and “comic book physique“. As a result, the decade or so he’s spent acting has felt anxiety-inducing and soul-crushing. Describing his failure to cultivate meaningful or varied roles, he told one interviewer, “I’ve made about 20 movies and I’m probably proud of three”. Continue reading

QOTD: How Do You Celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomicThis Friday is Valentine’s Day, a holiday combining pagan festival with the honoring of Catholic martyrs,  including a young priest condemned to death for officiating illegal marriages under Claudius II. Lore goes that he befriended his jailer’s daughter and left her with a letter that closed with “From your Valentine” before his beheading. Over time, the day has evolved into a date to celebrate romance in literature, popular culture, and sales on prison-made lingerie. Continue reading

Republicans Unwittingly Present Their Own Ideals for Public Health in Ads Against Obama

With open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act beginning October 1, GOP think tanks have stepped up their efforts to discredit “Obamacare”. The most lurid example so far might be twin ads from Generation Opportunity, an organization that seeks to put a youthful, peppy spin on stuffy Tea Party goals.
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Matilda Steps Up for Ex-Child Stars From the Other Side of Fame

Mara Wilson, former child performer and star of films like Matilda and Mrs. Doubtfire, is probably an anomaly among her colleagues; despite her failure to fade into obscurity, she has survived being a child performer without becoming an object of public ridicule. Going by her piece for Cracked, Wilson’s not only an example of how to thrive after wrangling with the frequently grown-up expectations thrust on child stars; she’s one of the best advocates that peers struggling for footing as adults, recycled in the tabloids time and again, could hope for. Continue reading

The Second Coming of Lindsay Lohan

liloThe following is a rundown of the methods employed by an experienced director coaxing an unwilling performer sulking in a walk-in closet to film a four-way adult scene.

Filmed incorrectly, the scene might win a Razzie. Get it right, and the rest of the film would click into place.

Pope [the film’s producer] found two porn actors to play the other participants. The woman walked through rehearsal completely naked, bragging that she refused to conform to porn’s norms and shave her pubic hair. Lohan freaked out. Continue reading