Daily Archives: August 17, 2012

9 posts

Coming Attractions: Could Compliance Be the Most Uncomfortably, Unexplainably Brilliant Movie Ever Made?

Opening today, indie film, Compliance is generating buzz for possibly being one of the most disturbing, but telling films ever made. It is so deeply unsettling, The Huffington Post reports that during a screening at least ten women, one of which yelled “Give me a f*cking break” at the screen, walked out. Continue reading

Pennsylvania Man Denied Heart Transplant Because He Has Autism

Paul Corby is a 23 year old man who has Left Ventricular Noncompaction which is a heart condition that makes the organ less able to pump blood throughout his body. His ejection fraction of his heart is reportedly 20%, which is far lower than it should be. His disease generally leads to heart failure and strokes. He has suffered from three mini-strokes to date. He is on nineteen medications to keep his disease at bay, but it won’t cure it.  Continue reading

Rich Kids of Instagram: Recklessly Clueless About Many, Many Things

By now you’ve probably heard about the tumblr Rich Kids of Instagram which has got to be the equivalent to some sort of pictorial depiction of the biggest ocean of douche we’ve ever encountered. Like literally, it’s a grazing farm of assholes who’ve decided that you should see them all engaging in first hand assholery in a way that should probably never, ever be explored. Continue reading

What A Slore! How We Perceive Celebrities Who Cheat

As an adoring public, we have always taken sides when it comes to our favorite celebrities and the battles they face publicly. Their larger than life lives are in our faces 24/7, so it’s no wonder we relate to them as if we know them and their entire story.

Most recently, I have been seeing a lot of support for Robert Pattinson in the wake of his girlfriend, Kristen Stewart’s cheating scandal, but Stewart seems to be facing the brunt of the blame. She has kept a low profile and pulled out of a flick she was to star in. I won’t get into what the Twi-hard fans are saying about her disgrace. What I’m wondering is, why? Why does Kristen Stewart have to walk about with the “Scarlet A” burned upon her resume now? Continue reading