Daily Archives: October 25, 2011

7 posts

Rick Perry Lit Mitt Romney’s Country Music Award On Fire: A Conversation with MonkeyBiz and Thunderclees.

One afternoon, Thunderclees and MonkeyBiz had a chat over GMail about writing an article on Rick Perry’s tax plan. This is that chat.

MonkeyBiz:      Howdy

Thunderclees:   So I’m Thunderclees—what’s your ID name?

MonkeyBiz:      Monkeybiz.

MonkeyBiz:      Which means this conversation is going to be very confusing for everyone, especially Bots
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Double Film Review: Martha Marcy May Marlene and Jeff, Who Lives At Home

Martha Marcy May Marlene and Jeff, Who Lives At Home are two films that take a look at the people in their twenties and early thirties who haven’t quite found themselves. No, they aren’t hippies but the characters are definitely people that go through life in a way that society doesn’t always agree with.

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Herman Cain’s New Ad Heavy on Smoking, Smokescreens

One of the joys of the expansive, still terribly unsettled Republican Presidential field is that everyone with even a whiff of a chance is still making speeches, collecting money, and turning out advertising.

When the advertising is from the ‘minds’ behind the Herman Cain campaign, the possibilities are endless. And mindless. Video after the jump. Continue reading