It happens every year, and every year, we all (rightfully) get up in arms about it, even though we shouldn’t have expected any better. At this point, it’s like scolding your infant for making a mess; what did you think would happen? And yet, every year, you can’t help but hope for better, because they should be better, because the idea that we can have a black president but we can’t have an actress of color grace the panel of Vanity Fair that actually shows on newsstands is so utterly incomprehensible that it makes me want to egg Conde Nast in frustration. Continue reading
elizabeth olsen
3 posts
Yes, she’s been nominated sixteen times and won twice but that means she is fourteen times a loser. However, there are a few things that might be the cause of her twenty-eight year drought. Maybe other nominated performances are better than hers? Maybe politics gets in the way? Or MAYBE her performances just aren’t that good? Continue reading
Martha Marcy May Marlene and Jeff, Who Lives At Home are two films that take a look at the people in their twenties and early thirties who haven’t quite found themselves. No, they aren’t hippies but the characters are definitely people that go through life in a way that society doesn’t always agree with.