Daily Archives: October 4, 2011

5 posts

Society of Spectacle: A Tour of the Wall Street Occupation

Given that the mainstream American Left has been scared of its own shadow since the Reagan revolution turned “liberal” into a dirty word, I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised that many of these self-professed “progressives” have responded to the first genuine sustained mass youth movement my generation has seen by heaping scorn, doubt, and criticism upon it. I arrived in Zuccotti Park late Sunday afternoon hoping to catch a glimpse of the chaotic and disorganized mass of dirty hippies, drugged-out punks, and other standard bogeymen of the “get off my lawn” crowd. I was sorely disappointed. Continue reading

Five Films to Celebrate Halloween

Gather round. The temperature is dropping, the days are getting shorter and the leaves are dying. It can only mean one thing: menopause! Or autumn. Definitely autumn. Having already discussed those films that embody the season, let’s get specific. Which films do you watch in celebration of Halloween? Join me after the jump, and I’ll tell you which five spooky films I think are essential for the holiday! Continue reading