Welcome Crasstalk writers and marketing team. Thanks for dropping by. Forgive the mess, The Grand Inquisitor has had a busy day. However, tonight will give us a chance to exchange some ideas and work towards our inevitable winning of the internet.
Daily Archives: May 17, 2011
Saddle up cowboys and girls. For no particular reason today we celebrate the greatest singing cowboy to ever wander this planet, Gene Autry. Always follow his cowboy code: Continue reading
I’ve worn many hats. Often when I’m talking with co-workers I’ll begin to regale the crowd, as I begin to hold court, with tales from one or another of my previous career paths. With the exception of Sack Clerk and Dick Dancer (two very different fields – neither of which required any previous experience) none were as short lived as the time I spent as a Bill Collector. This is the story of Trent Walker, who is NOT a Texas Ranger. I was Trent Walker and he was a Bill Collector.
Retro Movie Reviews covers cult classics, films that while they may not have been a critical success have a fan following to this day. These are films that you may have seen as a kid on cable late at night and while the special effects are outdated, the dialogue may be cheesy and the budget may be suspect, these films will always be entertaining and hold a special place in your entertainment seeking heart. If you haven’t seen one of these movies you can almost never go wrong by picking one up to watch.
A kung fu film set in Harlem in the middle of the 80s, The Last Dragon follows Leroy Green (Taimak) AKA Bruce Leroy. Leroy has completed his martial arts training and seeks to move on to the final level to achieve “The Glow” and become a true master.
Yeah, baby! I’ve never been retweeted by William Powell, but I bet it would feel JUST! LIKE! THAT! And on that note, I’m off to watch My Man Godfrey again.
Some stars have all the luck. Take Damon Wayans, Jr.: He was poised an ready to star in a new pilot that actually got picked up, when–oh no!–the show he’s already starring in also got picked up. Or H. Jon Benjamin, whose lead voice work on not one but two animated shows will be continuing to echo through living rooms across America for yet another year. Continue reading
I heard on NPR today the Queen is visiting Ireland. I know just enough to know this could be contentious so I turned up the radio, but alas I didn’t gleen much during my early morning drive to Starbucks (for grounds). So I’m home waiting for the pot to finish and I thought I’d do some quick research. Continue reading
Circle up, virgins, because today Clarity83 and I are going to tell you about this thing called the Hash House Harriers!
If you hear someone talking about going to “the hash,” “hashing,” or being a “hasher,” that person is probably not talking about drugs. It is likely that the person is part of a club that lovingly calls itself “a drinking club with a running problem,” known as The Hash House Harriers a.k.a. the hash.
Hi gang. It’s time to play our game. This one is for all of you former drama club geeks who spent your free time secretly watching The Music Man while your friends were out being cool.
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They’re the closest to us. And sometimes so much like us, often they know all our little secrets. Which is why mostly we spend much of our youth wanting to punch them. Ah, siblings. Whether protecting them or fighting them, it’s always entertaining, especially if you live in the Seven Kingdoms. You can be crazy, a maniac, or just a slight sociopath, but nevertheless you’ll do what you can to be there for them, one way or another.
Let’s start sharing the love…