Writer’s Thread and Old-Fashioned Hootenanny

Welcome Crasstalk writers and marketing team. Thanks for dropping by. Forgive the mess, The Grand Inquisitor has had a busy day. However, tonight will give us a chance to exchange some ideas and work towards our inevitable winning of the internet.

So let’s get started. Post your story ideas below. Also, this would be a great place for people who want to write about similar topics to get together. There will be a thread below for the marketing people. If you are not going to be on the marketing team, please don’t post general ideas on it. We can do a separate thread for that if people want, but I need the MT thread to be for coordinating the next few steps we are going to take to get rolling.

A couple of quick notes:

  • Everyone who writes for CT needs to reread the Writer’s Page. We have added some new stuff since the site change that all of you need to know.  Please do this.
  • Do not use the “Featured Image” option when you write a post. Instead place the image in the regular text of you post at the very top. Images need to be roughly 500 X 230 px. Please try to stay close to this. If you need to resize photos you can use Gimp, Microsoft Office Photo Editor, Google Picasa, or Pixlr online editor.
  • Please read the photo copyright guidelines in the Writer’s Page. If people need help with this we can discuss it in the comments.
  • Don’t edit a post once you have moved it to pending. Send myself or Dogs an email and we will have the editors take care of it.

We are running a little late here so I am going to publish this and add things to the post as we go along. Please refresh the page or check back a couple of times to see what we have added.

Thank all of you for all the effort you put in for Crasstalk. It is always greatly appreciated.

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