I can smell the hosiery in the air. You see, I am in Target. And I have a target.
If the Fat Ladies don’t pounce on their hosiery needs now, when summer is not yet officially over, there will be no tights. You Skinny Minnies don’t understand. You don’t understand why I am here, growling, in the second week of September, ready to drop 200 hard-earned bucks on tights and fight to the death for the the privilege of doing so. I seize a choice red cart, slightly faded from spending too much time in the sun outside at the OK Carridge Corral, and head in. Continue reading →
Hello. Hi. You need a new tea kettle, duvet cover, pet bed, frozen pizza, DVD of the Birdcage, and a storage container thing you can put in your closet. Okay, well, you’re going to Target. Or to those who somehow believe we were loaned the enigmatic department store from France…Tar-zhay. Who are these people? We don’t know, but we bet they have a Shake Weight and a camping stove in their garages! Tar-zhay, who are they kidding? The French don’t like us. They’d never give us the secret to overpriced knickknacks and barbeque equipment!
Anyway, let’s dissect the discount retailer using our impressive evaluation goggles. Continue reading →
I grew up a nomad of sorts. My family was transferred around the country every year or so, and I kept that tradition well into adulthood. My first year in NYC was spent in a gorgeous, spacious apartment across from the Brooklyn Museum, during which I lived out of a suitcase. Possessions were just…unnecessary. And cumbersome. Why bother? Continue reading →
It is a mathematical fact that the shortest average wait time is to have a single queue with multiple servers. Yet there are so many institutions that insist on multiple queues with multiple servers. There is some psychology behind this though.
Multiple queues gives people the impression of a shorter queues since each queue may only have a few people in it. Would you rather wait in line with 100 people or with 10 people? It’s a trick question because you didn’t take into account the number of service points for each queue. Walt Disney figured this out long ago. But let’s take a look at the two most common multiple queue scenarios the average person faces and how to pick the right queue for those times when you aren’t dealing with someone as smart as Mr. Disney. Continue reading →
I think IKEA can peer into our very souls and find all it needs to continue a successful business making furniture out of toothpicks and laughing manically while you buy said tower of non-weight bearing splinter-shards, attempt to put it together, fail miserably…and then return for more Scandinavian bludgeoning. I’m not kidding. They are absolute geniuses. Their whole dynamic plan of execution is fantastic. I’ve never seen a place more proud to sell crap, mock you mercilessly while doing so, seduce you with cooking items for a mere pittance…thereby sustaining the addiction, and then taunt you with meatballs.
SCENE: LeftCoastLady enters the room, shuffles toward a rocking chair and lowers herself into it.
When I was younger, the stores catering towards women who fell into the plus size category were severely limited. Worse, what you did find was usually comprised of horrible patterns, boxy cuts, and just overall unflattering. And we didn’t like it, but we lived with it!
Fast forward in time…
Thankfully, with the magic that is online shopping, finding plus size clothing that is fun, flirty, and even *gasp* sexy, has become very easy. Sure, the plus size mainstays such as Lane Bryant, Catherine’s, Fashion Bug, and those small amounts of space allocated for plus size clothing in department stores (when compared to what’s allocated to the Misses’ and Juniors’ sections) are still around, but why not have some fun with your wardrobe?
Another great benefit of online shopping is the ability to shop globally. You’re not just stuck with what’s available — or more likely, what’s not available — in your area any longer!
Here are a few sites that either cater entirely to the plus size market or have a wide selection of offerings in their plus category.
This shirt dress from ASOS Curve could be dressed up or down.
One of my favorite sites is ASOS Curve. Carrying sizes 16 to 22, the site offers clothing that you can wear to work as well as going out. When I’m getting dressed for work in the morning, I tend to go for the easy pieces that don’t require too much work. This simple shirt dress is a perfect example. Throw on a pair of knee-high boots or a nice heel along with a bracelet and voilà!
UK-based Evans is a site I visit often to drool over their offerings…and to wish the damn exchange rate would settle down. Still, the company offers classic pieces as well as special collections that go beyond the expected looks when it comes to the plus size market. Last fall, the company offered a collection by Beth Ditto, lead singer of The Gossip. While the looks weren’t necessarily everyone’s cup of tea, I appreciated how daring it was.
Loving this gorgeous Grecian Drape top from Evans.
Another long-time favorite is B & Lu. Their looks tend to skew a bit younger, but still stylish. Their pieces are fun and last for some time. If you want something to show off curves, check out the Raquel Dress. Leopard calls not included.
Missphit is an online boutique that takes traditional-looking clothing and adds an edge, a sophisticated one, but an edge nonetheless.
Get in the navy with this cute Nautical Shrug from Missphit.
Last, but certainly not least, I have to highlight the sexy offerings available to wear under your great finds. I’m a huge fan of lingerie and probably have way too much for someone who’s (currently) single. Still, I love a flattering and pretty lacy thing that makes you want to prance around the house as if you’re in a music video…or a back-up dancer for ’80s era Prince.
Enter Hips & Curves. (Note: The site does feature lingerie models, so use caution if opening this link at work.) I love this site a lot. While they do offer the everyday bras and panties, the fun is in the lingerie section. From fantasy wigs to costumes, Hips & Curves offers all you need to make a sexy night turn into a hot and sexy weekend. Hmm, I think I just found something else I want to buy…
This super-cute lace camisole and panty set from Hips & Curves will make your significant other pay attention when you want something.
While this has focused primarily on the online shopping experience, I can’t end this article without calling out two of my favorite “brick & mortar” shops in the U.S.
For those of you in NYC or planning to visit the city, I cannot recommend Re/Dress enough. Located in Brooklyn, you’ll find lots of new as well as vintage plus size clothing. The women in the shop are nice and the prices are great.
Similarly, if you find yourself in my neck of the woods, be sure to visit Fat Fancy Fashions in downtown Portland. I’ve been frequenting Fat Fancy since they were an operation run out of a garage where they had a store set up one weekend a month. Over a year ago, they moved into a storefront and their fans have followed.
This skirt was one of LeftCoastLady's great finds from Re/Dress in Brooklyn.
So, there you have it! Some fabulous clothing options await you online and I’ve only mentioned but a handful. There are plenty others out there, including the various Etsy shops that offer one-of-a-kind plus size fashions.
You’re not limited to wearing the same old boxy clothes, so go out and be free and be stylish!
Now, get off my damn lawn…and go pick me up two pairs of thigh-high fishnet stockings.
I am lucky enough to live in a city with a thriving & vibrant “Little India” chock full of inspiration and eye-candy. There is something about walking through the shops looking at all of the silver and gold, running my finger along the stacks of silks and voiles that makes me want to change my entire scheme to hot pink & orange. And ride off on an elephant with my Bollywood lover.
Thankfully, the world wibe web provides a little India to shopper’s everywhere.
*If you click on the image, it will take you directly to the site! Learning as I go…
Papier mache boxes & ribbon from Niki Jones http://www.niki-jones.co.uk/Papier mache Christmas balls from Niki Jones http://www.niki-jones.co.uk/Mendhi feet, your secret winter treat?Tamak gold cuff bracelet from Rosena Sammi http://rosenasammi.com/Sanskrit 'Beautiful' necklace by Rosena Sammi www.rosenasammi.comMendhi cookies by the UK bakeshop sugar sugar http://sugarsugarcreations.com
Mendhi Hand Spice cookies ~ A handmade gift! How pretty to gift these with some beautiful boxed tea. Recipe & instructions at sprinkle bakes http://www.sprinklebakes.com/2010/02/mehndi-inspired-spice-cookies.html
Williamson Fine Teas Elephant Tins from Mark T. Wendell Tea Company https://marktwendell.com/Elephants.htmHand Printed wallpaper IVM Prints http//:www.ivmprints.comOiseau Wallpaper from Kate Ridder, Carrie & Big's apartment SATC2Leaf fabric & wallpaper from Kate Ridder http://www.katieridder.com/Nizam Lights Viya Home http://www.viyahome.com/Hundred Petal Lotus Table, Viya Home http://www.viyahome.com/Indigo Ikat by Les Indiennes, http://www.lesindiennesshop.com/The Red Bed Les Indiennes http://www.lesindiennesshop.com/Bollywood movie pillow from Urban Barn http://www.urbanbarn.comIndigo Chair from Urban Outfitters http://www.urbanoutfitters.com/urban/index.jspIndia's Unending Journey by Mark Tulley http//:www.amazon.comBeing Indian by Pavan Varma www.amazon.caWool scarves from Niki Jones www.nikijones.comTea Light holders Niki Jones http://www.niki-jones.co.uk/Mommy & Baby kurtas from Rikshaw design http://www.rikshawdesign.com